Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
When the word ‘young’ is thrown around, anyone would be quick to assume naive, immature, inexperienced, vulnerable, and indecisive. However, along comes a trail of words like youthful, daring, rebellious, blooming, growth & radical thinker. And that’s exactly how I’d like to think my younger self was.
Do I regret being gullible in my earlier years? No, it taught me to differentiate between the things I need to be cautious of and things I could trust in with my eyes closed and wholeheartedly.
Do I regret defying almost everything I was told to do? No, it helped me create my own path, my own identity.
Do I regret fighting the fights that weren’t even necessary? No, it taught me I am capable of standing up for myself whenever need be.
If given a chance, would I like to change something? Yes, I would.
I would tell my younger self to read, read, and read. Read older, read slower, read better.
I would ask my younger self to seek solitude, seek introspection, and seek quietude.
I would ask my younger self to take time out to fall in love with nature and minimalism.
I would ask her to be inquisitive, wonder-smitten, and a learner.
I would ask my younger self to not fret, to let go as soon as it starts to become a grudge, to not forget that I am in the process of being and becoming.
And most importantly, I would ask my younger self to breathe. To simply just breathe.
If I ever rush past you, in dreams, in memories, in some parallel realm, I won’t resort to the most hackneyed aphorisms, ‘It does get better’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’. I’d tell you that ‘you’re doing a great job and that I am proud of you. I’d tell you that I see you, I hear you and I understand you. I’d softly whisper in your year that you will keep growing, you will keep blooming and one day you will be proud of yourself too. I’d firmly tell you to never stop being your fierce self, blazingly spirited and most importantly, kind-hearted.
Run your own race. Climb your own ladders. Think your own thoughts. Stand up for yourself, for the world, for the people, for anything you think is important. Make being hopeful your second nature. Always remember, becoming cynical is easy but holding onto the goodness of the world is worth it. Give back, give selflessly. Help whenever you can. Believe people when they say ‘life is short’ but never forget it’s you who can make it worthwhile, beautiful, and richer. Have faith. Face the consequences. And most importantly, take solace in the very aliveness of your being.