Photo by Gary Barnes: pexels

The cost of being happy is thinking the worst outcome, the expectation of sadness has left me happy. But not fulfilled. The extremities of emotions are paralyzing the conscious. The material is now a thought, and the expectation of extremities has broken the scale.

All we want is to piss the other off what better way to piss someone than to prove one's belief. To deliberately imply belief is the ultimate test of faith you are either with us or against us. Thinking that their faith will make someone jump over their belief.

“the broken scale measures wrong but can still measure” VRCS

Fulfillment on the other hand is unachievable not because of the cliché, “we humans can never be happy” but because we expect the wrong things.

Freedom has led to choice, choice has led to needs, and needs have led to expectations.

The cost of being sad is a potential of happiness and the monetization of feelings. When your feelings are monetized you become a whore to earn every Penny of it. You screw a little more to earn a little more till you get pregnant with happiness but the problem is either you can’t afford a baby (otherwise you wouldn’t be a whore) or you don’t know who the father is.

To quote Mr. Shelby, “we’re all whores Grace” (but use the context above).

Pop culture reference to keep you stuck in it yes I am a sell-out but hey you are still reading.

The cost of anger is trauma and the honest answer is a comma to the final chapter of honour.

The cost of an answer is the vagueness in it, in this world of precision, the accuracy of feelings seems a bit off.

Who doesn’t like a mystery that cannot be solved? The answer to the ever-evolving question is to remain stagnant.

The cost of an action is the fear to remain stagnant.

“I have the precise knowledge of what I don’t have” VRCS

Does that make me a fool or a wise man? The opaqueness of thoughts has stopped any ray of hope.

“The infinity has been made casual making the billions insignificant”. VRCS

The necessity to understand the complex has led to vagueness in principle. The contradiction in life has made it hard to argue for or against it.

“Ashes mean nothing when mixed with dirt” VRCS

The cost of obeying is mediocrity. Our job is to surf alongside humanity’s evolution. Not with but alongside. We’ve beaten nature’s choice of evolution( survival of the fittest) by preserving everyone.

“We’ve won but at what cost” is still a sell-out.

You are too stupid, you thought this made sense but it didn’t, after all, we’re, “all to human” (Nietzsche). Thinking about virtues as a sheet of expenditure and allowance. Thinking that there’s a price for everything. This is the worst after-effect of capitalism, not the atrocities or the cliché, “ slave to the paper” but the radical thought of karma. You bought something and now pay for it.

“ Maybe God is a human after all, an accountant to be precise”. And heaven is a law firm. Now a quote from a man that belongs to a race that has been most affected from both.

“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you”. Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The cost of meaning is the tyranny of belief and you woke, liberal, lefts thought that you lived in a democracy. You were too stupid and now too obedient. You just accepted my atheistic and nihilistic view of the world over you years of belief, because now your knowledge has made you believe that the realm of possibilities has been split open.

“God gave us free will on the off chance he was wrong” VRCS, he gave us knowledge to signify meaning but instead we signified meaning into a God.

The idea is to deprive meaning so that anything could mean anything, where context has no meaning and tone, has no right. Deliberate implication of meaning has made emotion synthetic, the realm of hypotheticals has made maybe the most powerful word in the English dictionary. The possibility of an act is more heinous than the act itself, the probability of an act is overlooked and when the act is committed, we accept.

The struggle for meaning has uncovered the futility in everything else mankind is now ransacking every ship in the hope that it’s Noah’s Arc and expects to be saved by it. Meaning is dead, we have killed it with our rationality. The singularity of mankind cannot accept the duality of words. Words open the arena of understanding the acquisition of the scarcity of it. The chapter never ends on a full stop but gets conducted into maybe’s. The saturation of knowledge has led to belief in infinity the suffocation of knowledge has killed beliefs. The capability of the truth is the ignorance of facts, the potential of lies is the belief in the truth, and beyond that an acquisition of lies which were an attempt to condemn the truth.

“to answer a question with a question has always been humanity’s answer”. VRCS

“ There’s negligible probability but infinite chances” but maybe only the first one counts?

Humankind needs to at least ridicule the idea of pessimism to enjoy the scarcity of happiness. The realm of hypotheticals is the only driving force in nature. I know it’s insanity to think about it but I’ll give you the most powerful weapon to help you understand the concept use the word maybe.

Maybe you’ll understand maybe you’ll not. But the only reason you will not understand is because you are stuck in the realm of hypotheticals, why wouldn’t you be stuck?

“ you have the suffocation of choice and the misery of freedom

Followed by the after-life of choice and the noise made by the symphony of people”. VRCS

My friend, “ you are not free, you just have a bigger cage”. VRCS

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