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Everything in this world or space is related to science. And Science is improving or developing day by day via various technical or scientific techniques. It's full of so many hidden secrets, formulae, etc. We all live on this planet EARTH…….But in real life – Actually, do we know – what is Earth? What is it made up of? What was it made up of? And where is it located? In which part of Space, is it located? When we think about Earth, then there arise so many questions in our mind ……Then let’s know all about space today – our planet Earth Especially, etc.

We all might be acquainted with the word “ The Space “, the universe, and our planet – The Earth. But actually what is Space? Space, also known as outer space, is the near-vacuum (near-dust particles atmosphere ) between celestial bodies. During our School days – we might have studied that the area outside the earth is space. It is a very quiet and very cold place. And Outer Space is not completely empty – it is a hard – vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust & cosmic rays, dark matter & dark energy. It is where everything (all of the planets, stars, galaxies, and other objects) is found. Space refers to the void that exists between celestial objects. Space does not include celestial objects; it includes only the void between them. Whereas An Universe refers to the entirety of all physical matter and energy, solar systems, planets, galaxies, and all contents of space. The universe includes all celestial objects. The term "universe" refers to everything that exists, including galaxies and the space between them.

Now, what a Space consists of? It consists of Asteroids, Meteors, Comets, so many galaxies, so many stars, Meteroids, Meteor Showers, Meteorites, Dwarf Planets, Kuiper Belts Objects, Oort cloud objects, the explorers…….etc. Now the Universe is composed of what? The chemical composition of the Universe is dominated by the hydrogen and helium produced in the Big Bang. The remaining 90 percent or so chemical elements are produced in stars and constitute only a few percent of the overall mass. Now you all might be thinking about what a galaxy is. A galaxy is nothing but a massive cluster of stars (millions or billions or infinite) held together by gravity. The Milky Way or Akash Ganga or The Solar System is the name of the galaxy in which we live.

The Universe has not always been the same size. Scientists believe it began in a Big Bang, which took place nearly 14 billion years ago. Since then, the Universe has been expanding outward at a very high speed. So the area of space we now see is billions of times bigger than it was when the Universe was very young. String theory, which is a notoriously theoretical explanation of reality, predicts a frankly meaninglessly large number of universes, maybe 10 to 500 or more, all with slightly different physical parameters. And then there's the quantum multiverse. Now, what actually is celestial bodies mean? Celestial Bodies are nothing but heavenly bodies that are objects in space such as the sun, moon, stars, planets, satellites, etc. They form a part of the vast universe – we live in and are usually very far away from us. It had been told that long back ago – roughly 13.7 billion years ago – the first long-lived tiny ball of matter particles of any kind were protons and neutrons which together make up the atomic nucleus. There came into existence around one ten thousandths of a second after the big bang and as a consequence, it gave rise to so many stars, galaxies, atoms, molecules, and the universe – we see today in space. This Rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high density and high temperature which according to current atmospherical theories marked finally the origin of the universe. 

So, A Big Bang is nothing but the rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high density and temperature which according to current cosmological theories marked the origin of the universe. The galaxy in which our planet – the Earth is there is named or called The Akash Ganga / The Solar System / The Milky – Way. It consists of The Sun, and 9 planets including our planet – The Earth, Moon – it's a very natural satellite and so many stars. So those 9 Planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto rotate around their own axis as well as around the orbits of the sun and so as Moon around the Earth. Now the Earth is nothing but the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the globe especially the cultivated soil/land as different from Sea and Air. 

The Terrestrial Planet – The Earth is composed of 5 Elements. They are Air / Wind/  Atmosphere, Water/Sea/Ocean, Land/Soil, Fire, and Spirit or Soul. Besides that, there exist different living things, non–living things like different types of animals, birds, insects, reptiles, trees, plants, forests, mountains, etc. Now Hardly Speaking – it will take one human to reach space via spaceship or spacecraft or space shuttle – 18 billion light years. We can reach to the limit of the reachable Universe as set by the expansion of the Universe and the effects of Dark Energy. One Spacecraft or Space Shuttle travels 5 miles per second given that the speed of light travels at 1,86,282 miles per second. Now we all must be thinking, can a human ever travel at the speed of light? Then the Answer is “NO” – not a single human can travel at least not without the help of Dark Unseen Super Natural Divine Power or Energy or any magical power. 

As Albert Einstein in the past had told that in physics – the theory of Relativity can be summarized by the famous equation – E = mc2 whereas in real life – the speed of light is something like an air or Atmospheric speed limit that can't be ever surpassed. It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the sun's rays to reach the surface of the Earth. That’s why, when in the USA – it is night time – here in India, it is Day – time and vice–versa. Our Earth is so beautiful and so is the galaxy and universe we live in in space. Thus concluding, we must keep our Earth – highly neat and clean and so as the Space too.

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