And each and every professional or government servant or salaried person must have one or two days' week off in every week. Because they keep on working all the days excluding 2 week-off days a week……i.e. Saturday & Sunday. Saturday is the weekend off day while Sunday is a Fun Day. In order to get our mind fresh up and leading a stressless life – we all must have week offs each and every week. We must pre-plan our weekends before the weekend comes.
Now, what do we do on weekends?
We don’t get engaged in professional life work or people related to our professional life on weekends.
Few people keep their personal life far away from their professional lives.
We don’t work or go to the office on that 2 weeks off days.
We must not spoil our WEEKENDS sitting idle at home or keeping ourselves busy in our professional life 24 hrs.
Apart from it, Children used to get up early on these 2 days rather than on other days, play Indoor games like ( they learn how to play and then play Ludo, Carrom, Table Tennis, Billiard, etc.) or Outdoor games (they learn how to ride and then rides Cycling, Badminton, Baseball & bat, Horse Riding, Darting with Bows & Arrows into 1 Archery Board, Saber or Sword Fighting, Bike Riding, Automobile or Cars Riding, etc.) on this day, Watch Cartoon Networks on Television like (Flinn stones, Granny & the singing tweety, Spiderman, Uncle Scrooge & chewy, dewy & Lewy, Tom & Jerry Show, The Great Bernard Show, Space Sigma, Street Hawks, The Guiness Book of World Records, etc.) Listen to Music, Have their favourite snacks & Ice- creams on these days, Worship & Pray to Gods & Goddesses on these days at home, Complete all their revisions of their educational curriculum on this day, Have their Favourite Foods prepared by their parents, surf online & chats with Friends nowadays like, etc.
Few children complete their homework got from school if any but during my school days – I used to complete it (Both Class-work & Home – Work) at school itself & never ever brought it home still if it (like a few long questions) doesn’t get over at school….. then hardly I used to bring them to home to do & keep on doing homework at home in the late night on WEEKDAYS ONLY & Not on weekends….because Saturday & Sunday are meant for FUN – DAYS, Read Comics & Fairy Tale Books like TINKLE, HARRY POTTER SERIES, CHACHA CHAUDHARY, etc…borrowed from friends & return them back on weekdays, practice dance or aerobics at home, draw & paint on notebooks, do crafts at home, etc.
Adults or elders used to bring Groceries from Shop & fetch or bring Vegetables from the vegetable market, Cook food, Wash clothes, Dry them under Sunrays or now via washing machine, go shopping for getting new clothes or household things to purchase, Watch Televisions or go to Cinema Halls for watching any new films released recently, Listening to music, Go to hotels or Restaurants sometimes to have dinner or lunch or breakfast outside, arrange to get-together party at 1 friend’s house or at 1 public park or at 1 Café like Coffee Day, Barishta, etc. in order to meet and gossip along with family, friends or relatives, do interior decorations of their house, keep it neat and clean on this day, planting trees & watering them, Learn how to Swim, etc.
Thus, Concluding finally I must say that Each & Every Professional People must get 2 days week – offs each & every week. If all the day we will keep on working then how & when our brain will take a rest or will become free from the whole world's stress, problems & complications? Our Brain or mind is also a Living thing which sometimes wants rest and free from all stress works, etc. and so as our family & children …. We must take out some of our valuable time from our busy schedule & invest it in our family & children to lead a Happy & Contentful Life.