Image by Nirav Jani from Pixabay 

Before I proceed forward – I just want to describe first of all – What is a MARRIAGE? What does that mean? In a better language – The Word “ Marriage ” is also known as “ THE WEDDING ”. Marriage means it is a bonding or meeting of 2 different souls becoming 1 Soul. Here 2 persons from different genders meet each other to lead a happy contentful life. It also means the unions of 2 different families to lead a happy & successful family life rather than meeting only 2 different souls from different families or backgrounds. It's been told in English that – “MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN “. But how far is this statement correct?

  • The Unionship between 2 persons, the mutual understanding between 2 different souls, 2 different hearts, and 2 different persons of different genders (a male & a female) & 2 different families – is what is called as the MARRIAGE or THE WEDDING.
  • A Marriage tells us about culture, lifestyle, characters, behavior, and the environment – 2 Souls or 2 persons from different genders had grown up, brought up from, & what they had learnt yet now.
  • Both Families also come to know each other too through it.
  • Sometimes, they learn many things from each other and also need to share everything with each other – both are secrets, their family’s secrets, their lifestyles, the environment – both had grown up yet now.
  • Sometimes, SILENCE speaks out many things – what words can't.
  • People who follow it or understand it and keep quiet lead a very happy, prosperous & contentful marital life.
  • It means the strongest internal bonding of 2 different souls from the deep depth of their bondings between each other.
  • They never tell liars to each other.
  • They never give pain to each other.
  • They love each other a lot like 2 brightly shining stars up above in the sky in the dark nights with the hope of coming out to be like the brightly shining stars 1 day.
  • Apart from this, they never leave each other’s ways – however worst the situation could be.
  • They promise a lot of things to each other with the hope to keep it up till their deaths.
  • Marriage is not a transaction or deal or a condition that both persons need to achieve their different goals or aims rather than achieving their common goal.


  • Nowadays I find many people around my surroundings not spending some time with their loved ones such as their family, children, friends & Relatives together – not even on Weekends, Holidays, or Vacations but rather on festivals or occasions or on each & every day.
  • They must take out some of their valuable time from their busy work schedule and invest a part of their valuable time in their own family members or family life.
  • Nowadays they are only running after Money to earn.
  • Money is not everything in life that a person could stay happy 24 hrs a day – Isn’t it so?
  • Why do people want to give 24 hrs to their professional life and not to their personal life? Now, why is that so? They had tied a knot once upon a time to their loved ones – Whom they had thought and loved once upon a time and can’t live without them – to them only they had married and tied a knot to them.
  • Then why they don’t want to spend time together then now, then now what happened – Why they don’t want to spend a single second with each other happily with their family & children?
  • Are the Children now a burden or a problem to both of them? Why after the birth of their children in any family – people don’t want to spend time together with their better halves or wife or family?
  • Why they are always after earning MONEY?
  • Do you think working 24 hrs a day will lead you or give you a happy contentful life to lead? Then you are absolutely wrong in this sense.
  • Think twice before you act wise.
  • Time never waits for anyone. The time which has gone will never return back to you again in your life – so just go out with your better half and children and spend some time together and enjoy your life far away from all stress, tensions, and problems daily.
  • Now, who is going to explain all those things?
  • So many people have lost their lives yet now with a hope of earning money…..
  • So Yeah it's true that Money will give you a comfortable full life to lead.
  • But there are so many risks when you think even if about MONEY at any time.
  • Why do people don’t get satisfied with their small happy earnings and contentful life?
  • Nowadays wherever I go – I had heard & seen all married people living their life under 1 roof but not spending time with each other. After the birth of a child in their family both get changed a lot, they change their paths or ways too like instead achieving 1 common goal they concentrate upon their own goals to be satisfied first of all.
  • I also Heard if Few married couples spend nights outs with other married couples or other unmarried single people….Now, why is that so? Are they avoiding each other or then why? Is there any other solution to it instead of cheating each other although staying in 1 relationship from the very beginning of their life?

Sometimes it's better to face the situation instead of avoiding it….. and go ahead or move forth instead of avoiding it.

So, thus we concluded that a nice educated life or nice education will lead you to become a nice person in your life. And don’t expect your life - partner to be a perfect person in your life…… Consider them to be a very perfect person from the very day – beginning of your life.



So, thus we concluded that MARRIAGE IS EVERYTHING & Marriage is made in heaven. No Marriage is not an Exhaustive life to lead rather we by mistake make it exhaustive out of all tensions, stress and problems……..!!!


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