Image by Michaela, at home in Germany from Pixabay 

We had the age of truth and perfection (Satya Yuga) without religious sects or exploitation of the environment. Then came that of War, with emperors hoping to conquer the world. Later we had the Dvapara Yuga, in which people developed laziness and were less content. Last is the Kali Yuga, the age of darkness and ignorance in which the quality of our life and age expectancy steadily deteriorates, which according to beliefs, at the end of the Yuga will be around 20 years. If any Yuga is to be called that of Unpredictability, this Yuga is the most apt.

Now that the consensus has developed that we are in the age of unpredictability, what can we do about it? We all want a more predictable world for security. By security, I would like to refer to mainly the mental security we humans need for a peaceful life as in a secure livelihood and environment.

In the current scenario, with climate change and developing technology, some changes are inevitable. The more we delay these changes the harder they will be able to make. These steps, need to be the first thing our generation does right now. Else all the other steps we want to take, will be overruled by this issue. Greta Thunberg has already set an example and should be taken very seriously and supported by our generation if we want to live half as long as the past generations.

Once we shift to a sustainable lifestyle, we need to implement efficiency. Most of the technology we use, however smart and efficient it is, is at the cost of the environment, without which there is no life itself, forget intelligence. We need to use the intelligence we have to find methods for developing sustainably with more recycling and efficient waste disposal. We seriously need to work on energy saving, ditch the plastic and reducing our carbon footprint.

Population control is also a very rising concern today. It not only causes exploitation of resources, it can result in a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration and an unsustainable biome. There is no consensus in this case. Reducing population growth comes right against human rights and can be very controversial. I personally believe in a balance for everything, which could be the solution to this.

Without doubt, we have a huge responsibility on us and need to take this up very seriously. Our actions today shape tomorrow and if we don’t do something right now, we might never be able to fix the mess we are making. This could not only ruin the earth, but it could also wipe us out forever. What we should do right now is to recognise the rapidly changing scenario and equip ourselves with all the possible skills that may help in saving ourselves. We have got to rethink our priorities and understand the need for unity here. We are to be soldiers and put away our individual inhibitions and fight for a cause. As John Morgidge said, “ It is unfortunately true that our generation and that of your parents have left you with a big mess that will now be yours to clean up: wars, budget challenges, pollution, global warming, battles of healthcare, natural disasters. They’re all there for you. We’re willing those to you. Are you ready?”

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