Main Yoga postures for Memory Development:
Vedic Mantras:
Let us meditate upon the glory of Ishwar, who has created this universe, who is fit to be worshipped, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. He may enlighten our intellect.
The science behind Chanting Mantra:
Some sciences behind this mantra are Physio acoustic science & Spiritual Sciences.
What is the need for chanting mantras – in this modern world?
1. Sukshma Vyayam
2. Breathing exercise:
3. Practices:
4. Surya Namaskar
5. Asanas:
6. Pranayama
7. Trataka
8. Relaxation
This article discusses various yoga practices that can aid in memory development. The postures include Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Veerabhadrasana, and Padmasana. Pranayamas such as Nadishuddhi, Suryabhedi, Bhramari, Ujjai, Bhastrika, and Kapalabhati are also beneficial. Chanting mantras like Medha Suktam and Gayatri Mantra can help in improving memory, giving good thoughts and courage. Trataka and other yogic kriyas are also discussed. The article includes a detailed yoga series that covers Sukshma vyayam, breathing exercises, practices, Surya namaskar, asanas, pranayama, Trataka, and relaxation. The benefits of chanting mantras include relaxation, reduction in heart rate, stable blood pressure, and oxygenation of the brain.