Image by Kawita Chitprathak from Pixabay
Rains are a boon and blessings. They are a rare gift of GOD to mankind. They bring prosperity, rich harvest, happiness and joy. However, excess of everything is bad. It is equally true of rains. If they are in excess, they may result in floods, widespread suffering and loss. But generally, rains are welcome after the hot and sultry weather of summer.
They bring welcoming relief and revival of agricultural activities. These mercy droplets are considered as gentle rain from heaven. Scarcity of rain results in drought, famine and spells of suffering.
India depends for its prosperity on rich and timely arrival of monsoon. July to’ September are the months of rains and monsoon. India is an agricultural country, and water is vital for realizing full potential of agriculture. And rains are the biggest and the cheapest source of water for our agriculture and other needs. Even otherwise, rain is always welcome as it gives joy, relief from heat and a new lease of life to plants, animals and other creatures.
This year I had a very Pleasant and Memorable experience of a rainy day. That day I will never forget. It has left an inedible impression on my young mind. That was the day when my school was re-opened after the summer vacation in July. The rains were already late by a week or about ten days. People were anxiously waiting for the rain and the arrival of the monsoon. They were praying the rain-gods to be merciful. The days were unbearably hot, sultry and long. Outside it was really scorching in the sun. People ventured outside only when it was necessary, People relished cold-drinks, ice-creams and cool air of the air-conditioners in their homes. But only a few could afford these comforts & luxuries.
I was going to my school in the morning on foot. It was quite hot and uncomfortable too. I relaxed my steps as I began to sweat, but soon the sky was overcast with big, black and dusky clouds. They were thick and huge like mountains. They were so pleasing to look at. They were full of promise to welcome the rain & provide comfort from heat. Soon, a cool breeze began to blow followed by a gentle rain.
There were thunder and lightning and more massive clouds in the entire sky. It grew dark, pleasant, and temperature suddenly dropped low. Then it began to rain heavily. The clouds thundered and poured water. In no time, there was water, water everywhere. People were drenched but happy also and so was I. I protected my books with a plastic sheet and then ran into a nearby coffee-shop for shelter. Some passerby had already taken shelter there. The shopkeeper was happy to accommodate all of us in his shop. It rained continuously for about an hour. The roads, streets, bazaars, and other places got flooded in no time; the traffic came to a halt, as there was knee-deep water at many places on the roads.
Children were very happy. They had come out of their houses and were enjoying the rain. They ran, played, splashed water on one another and danced gracefully. They also enjoyed pushing the cars stranded in the knee-deep water on the road. A few of them floated paper-boats and shouted with joy. It was a great fun for them and reminded me of my early childhood day. A couple of children were trying to swim in the rain-water.
I was drenched to the skin and my school uniform was dripping, but I felt much delighted, cool and relieved. My books were safe. Soon a fat person came seeking shelter in the shop. He was almost without breath, as he ran extremely fast to reach the shop. Meanwhile, his left foot slipped and he fell down in the muddy rain-water. I could not help laughing and others also joined me. There was something funny about the fat man, his gait and running. I felt grateful to him for such a hearty and loud laugh that we had so unexpectedly. It is the unexpected things that gave us most Pleasure and Delight. However, the man was not injured and was on his legs soon, but he had lost his cap in the effort of getting on his legs. The rushing waters of the rain had swept away his cap instantly. The poor fellow felt nervous and shy, and avoided to come into the shop.