Photo by Two Dreamers: pexels

Doctor, doctor I really need you,
I am scared to break my leg in an accident,
I fear to see my skull on the road anytime.
Jeez! I have lost a lot of blood from my body,
My wind pipe might collapse anytime.
Will I get an asthma attack on the way to hospital?
I hate social gatherings for I might murder someone,
The "Beacon of hope" seems a far cry,
I preserved some roses for my beloved,
But I might end up drenching her in a pool of blood!
Destiny is singing me snow-bed stories,
I am at times living a second childhood.
My voice gets choked when it listens to my
"Disorganized speech"!
I saw myself getting castrated,
I saw my sperm being raped,
The moon in her eyes seems too bewitching to be true.
Is there something called as "GOD?",
Or am I a complete nihilist?
The poet is in pain as his life is a
"Sanctity of Sacrifice".
The voices in my head never stops,
My skeletal muscles are eaten up.
Doctor! I really need you!
My innocence was lost when I was hit with
The world isn't gonna listen to me,
Hence I am stumbling with an empty bowl of poetry.
Heal me soon,
Before I run away from the law without defense,
For I don't know if my fate has written
"Capital Punishment" for a crime that never occurred.
Oh Society, Doctor, Heaven!
Schizophrenia isn't just a dictionary word,
As it is something that
"I am going through"!

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