Image by Saikat Kumar Basu

The Science Association of Bengal (SAB) on the closing ceremony of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Dr. U.N. Brahmachari - the renowned physician and scientist who discovered the medicine of 'Kalaazar'( Leismanasis) and saved lakhs of people from death. ln fact from 90% death rate, he brought it down to under 10% death rate; and became globally acknowledged as an outstanding researcher. He received a Knighthood and was twice refused the Nobel Prize. He worked with monumental sincerity and dedication in the prestigious Nil Ratan Sarkar Medical College (Formerly Cambell School of Medicine). To pay respect to this great scientist and physician, SAB along with the active support of Dr. Brahmachari's family organized the Mystamp with cover of Dr. U. N. Brahmachari on 12th December 2024 at the iconic GPO Auditorium Kolkata with great heritage since the Colonial times.

Image by Saikat Kumar Basu

The program started around 3 pm in the packed GPO auditorium by welcoming the audience, calling dignitaries to the dias; and followed by their individual felicitations by Dr. Kana Chaterjee (granddaughter of Dr. Bhramachari). The garlanding of the photo of Dr. Brahmachari was led by Aloka Nanda Roy (great-granddaughter of Dr. Bhramachari); and followed by dignitaries, guests, SAB members and public at large. The opening invocation was made by Dr. Rajib Karchowdhury; followed by the welcome address by Dr. Subhobrory Roy Chowdhury, Secretary, SAB. The members of Governing Body of SAB under the leadership of Secretary, Dr. Chowdhury made a formal appeal to the authorities of the Govt. of India for honoring Dr. Brahmachari with the coveted BHARAT RATNA Award posthumously for his monumental contribution towards global humanity. Dr. RoyChowdury mentioned that such a great personality needs to be more known to the public for his lifelong contributions and selfless, benevolent services to the public.

This was followed by a series of lectures by the dignitaries, namely Prof. Dr Pith Baran Chakraborty, (Principal, NRS Medical College & Hospital), Prof. Dr. Syamal Chakraborty (Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Calcutta University, author and eminent science communicator), Dr. Syamal Roy, FNA, CSIR (Retd.), Dr. Sankar Kumar Nath (Renowned Oncologist, author and public speaker). The speakers highlighted various aspects of the inspiration life and research career and contributions of Dr. Brahmachari.

Image by Saikat Kumar Basu

The release of Special Cover with Mystamp on Dr. U.N. Brahmachari was initiated by Mr. Ashok Kumar, the honourable Post Master General, Kolkata Region and Mr. Hammad Zafar, Director, GPO Kolkata. The dignitaries mentioned above and distinguished members of SAB and family members of Dr. Bhramachari. The Chief Guest of this beautiful program, Mr. Ashok Kumar, (PMG Kolkata Region) made an outstanding inspirational speech on the contributions of Dr Brahmachari and how it has impacted both India and the world. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. N.C. Ghatak G.B. Member, SAB to finally conclude the program.

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