Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

How many people on this planet have a healthy body, good education, quality jobs, and quality life? I don’t think that very many enjoy the opportunity. Being able to continue on your desired career path is a huge blessing that very few of us like or appreciate during our working life. We only accept success as achievements in our life; but rarely acknowledge the importance of education we had achieved through our failures. We only enjoy pleasure; but hate all kinds of suffering. But we rarely acknowledge that sufferings are extremely important for the purification of our soul, and everyone has to go through it at some point in their journey of life. We often like to ‘overdo’ things for others; when we don’t need to do them, that is our own created problem. Unappreciated help only encourages underserved people to take undue advantage of our generosity. Our expectations from those individuals rise high, but they fall apart later in due time. The person to suffer under trying these circumstances is only ‘us’ and not those specific undeserving people for whom we took those unappreciated steps.

Hence, the best available approach has been to stop doing things for such non-worthy people. Without wasting time and energy on useless candidates to change them; it is very important for us to focus on our own goals and objectives in life and to push ourselves to slowly achieve them. If we push ourselves or self-motivate ourselves to utilize our full potential; chances are that we could have reached a high level of positive success in life. But we are responsible for taking the wrong decisions in our life or in choosing the wrong alternative made available to us at the wrong time. We have to accept and acknowledge that these are our personal mistakes in life and others could not be blamed for the mistakes or wrong decisions we have personally made.

Instead of looking at how miserable our life has been or how many times we have failed to achieve our targets, we are slowly devaluing ourselves and our dedicated efforts. Rather, we need to always focus on how much we have achieved in life and Make it a source of our inspiration to move forward. But instead, through negative thoughts we have an unfortunate tendency to make our life unnecessarily miserable. The loss and gains in our lives are all great gifts from God. We have to learn to accept that. For example, many childless couples curse themselves for not having a child. But they never think if they could have given birth to a physically and/or mentally challenged child jeopardizing the prospect of a great life they have been aspiring for. Most children when they grow up may not care for their parents at all or may even abuse them for various reasons. So is it not better for such a couple to be childless? Let us explore a few real-life situations and examples based on these discussions below to understand how mistakes made by us during our lifetimes serve as major massacred of our lives miserable.

Say an individual who has stayed single (as an independent and successful individual) for any reason for most of his life suddenly decides to marry or settle down with someone at a very late stage of life; it could be a grave mistake in his/her life. Extreme late-age marriages may not turn out to be a cordial relationships for the couple if they wish to feel like starting their life altogether like any other regular couple. The staggering age, cooperation, attitude, behavior, patience, tolerance, or health factors may seriously impact the new relationship.

The pain and suffering that one may experience through such a marriage, can get him/her into that vicious cycle of perpetual sadness, loss of peace, bliss, and solitude. The independence, dignity, and happiness that the same individual used to enjoy before may now make him/her repent about the decision to marry at an advancing age. Furthermore, how will that couple raise the child (born naturally or legally adopted), if either one of them or both leave the mortal world, post marriage? Are you not solely responsible for destroying the life of that child through your hasty decision to marry at an advanced age?

But when we do take a wrong action in our life and then suffer; we have to accept that it has been a self-inflicted injury; and not the fault or responsibility of God. We want to find solace by blaming God or any other available supernatural force(s) as the major factor responsible for our pain and suffering for our wrong actions or inactions friending upon the situation. Failure just like success is an important lesson of life. We need to learn from our mistakes and move ahead in life. But unfortunately rather than learning from our past; we only continue to blame others including God for every possible wrong that we have made. Not getting a job or not grabbing the promotion or failing to get the first position or having family issues or any non-cooperation someone else other than myself is responsible, then how can one get peace and happiness in life?

We as modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) have been the most successful of all species and now regulate the entire planet since the dawn of human civilization. Agriculture was started by Neanderthal Man, the first modern Man in human evolution. With the initiation of agricultural work; the very first phase of our human civilization was started. Then over time, the global economic structure has been slowly built on the pillars of agriculture and industry to firmly establish the grip of modern humans on planet Earth. We have achieved a lot as a species, but now we have to ask ourselves are we happy? A tricky question to answer of course; but, the answer is a simple ‘no’ or ‘may be’ or ‘ok’ or ‘ don’t know’. Our answer lies hidden in our question. We are running around looking for peace, bliss, success, and happiness everywhere; but we fail to look inside us to find the answer, that’s the irony.

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