Insect pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, and ants are all vanishing first around the planet due to excessive use of pesticides in agriculture and anthropogenic pollution.
About 85% of our planet's flowering plants depend on these insect pollinators for their survival and to maintain the balance of our ecosystem.
Not just insects, but several species of birds, bats, snails, and slugs; as well as some species of lizards, small furry mammals like rodents, and even certain mongoose species have also been reported as good pollinators.
The bees are most impacted due to excessive use of toxic pesticides, various diseases, poor nutrition, and a lack of foraging plants. Unfortunately, all these species are showing alarming decline around the planet. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to protect our fragile ecosystems by successfully conserving our farmer-friendly and eco-friendly insect pollinators. If these pollinators vanish, our agriculture, apiculture, and forestry industries will be devastated. Ecology and economy must work hand in hand.