Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Technology nowadays has become very advanced. It's helping people in many, many ways worldwide, but just as much as it is helping the people, it Is also unknowingly affecting their day-to-day life. Technology has become so common these days that people often end up overlooking the actual problems it brings and that’s a big problem itself
Technology helps us in hundreds of ways, like
And a lot more. Technology has also become a way to escape reality for teenagers today, but we need to give them a reality check.
Just like a coin has two sides, everything has advantages and disadvantages.
Today we're going to be talking about some of the disadvantages of technology that are often overlooked by many.
Social media has become a huge trend these days. Almost everyone you know has an account on these social media platforms, including young teens. Social media can be helpful in many ways, such as being a platform for new businesses, spreading awareness, or even just for passing time. But have you thought about its negative effects?
Social media is heavily used by teenagers and that can cause a lot of problems. Cyberbullying has become a big problem among kids or teens that use social media. Everybody usually overlooks on these problems brushing them off as nothing serious but these can cause problems with young minds as they might take it as offensive and serious.
Another of the problems is age restrictions. Yes, social media has an age restriction but teens can easily access any platform by lying about their age. This can cause the kids to come across stuff that’s 18+, pornography, and violent stuff that could make them uncomfortable.
Social media is an open platform for anyone and everyone and so we will find a lot of different things here. Teenagers might come across accounts or posts that could make them uncomfortable, insecure about their bodies, or even stuff that can lead to anxiety. People can chat with each other but there have been many incidents where someone might catfish or body shame someone and a lot of times some conversations end up with the teens being depressed without realizing the cause or even going as far as making someone feel suicidal. These platforms can make someone have issues with their mental health without them realizing it and can damage their brains and it should be our job to try and protect the future generation.
As mentioned before, social media platforms are being heavily used by teenagers.
Teens often isolate themselves from their parents, friends, and the world and are always locked away in their rooms, that is the cause of social media. Teens may come off angry and anxious because posts or conversations on social platforms mess with their minds in a way that the parents brush off thinking it’s probably got to do with them being in a phase, but sometimes it’s not just some ’phase’.
Teens always isolate themselves from their problems because they think it might make them go away but it won’t. They always scroll through their phones hoping to find an escape from their reality.
Some of the problems can also be caused by parents trying to take their gadgets away from them thinking the phones are the problem while they overlook the actual problems that may come from their own surroundings.
Addiction is one of the most common problems caused by technology but it’s going too far. Teens end up being addicted to their phones and social media can lead to them not focusing on their studies or future.
But teens and adults aren’t the only ones who are the victim of these problems.
Parents nowadays think it’s best to give their kids an iPad or any sort of screen time to keep them busy and distracted while they can finish their work but often don’t think about what that can cause. Little kids even around the age of 5 now have their own iPad or second-hand phones to use. Kids watch YouTube or play games all the time and as that gives the parents some free time, they ignore it. This can cause a lack of creativity or delays in mental growth compared to other children.
Kids have minimized their time interacting with others and instead are always on their screens. This can affect their still new brains to develop. There are chances they might come across things not appropriate for their age. This is the reason why parents must always monitor the kinds of websites the children might come across or the type of games they’re playing.
Parents usually just hand their kids their iPad if they’re crying and that’s what has made them addicted to it. They don’t want to play or eat or do any other normal kid stuff and just want to watch something on their screens all day. And when the parents take away their iPad, they throw tantrums.
Teenagers and children who spend most of their time in the virtual world gradually withdraw themselves from the real world around them and that can result in them feeling anxiety and upset. They have become ’addicted’ to the internet so much that they feel dependent on it to feel heard or seen.
Online chatting with people is very common. This isn’t always proven to be a problem as sometimes people do end up meeting nice people on the internet but that’s not always the case.
Many people do end up being best friends or even dating someone on the internet without any problems like adults on Tinder or Facebook but sometimes it’s the total opposite.
Online dating or even chatting with strangers can be very dangerous. One of the biggest reasons for not giving out personal info about yourself on the internet to a stranger you just started chatting with. It's common among teenagers. Online chatting might lead to you dating the person but you should always be cautious. A lot of people out there catfish or could be adults who lie about their age.
Sending your locations or photos or any other personal info can be leaked or taken advantage of.
People on the internet could be pedophiles or just be trolling you for fun. Common chatting apps are discord, tinder, Facebook, etc. People should always be careful when posting things online or even texting. Never should you give out personal info about yourself or anyone you know and must always think and check before sharing anything.