Photo by Alex Lee on Unsplash

My wishlist...
My wishlist isn't a bucket list as for many,
It doesn't contain aspirations that need dime or penny....
I'm certain you must have comprehended it's a list of virtues and vibes,
But it's a small woven basket of dream, to have a loyal tribe...
People who don't betray and stick through thick and thin,
Relatives who don't treat you like a mocking bin...
I know my wishlist isn't all going to come true,
But I'd be satisfied Even if I tick it half way through...
Rosy love is not what I wrote, I prayed for connections deeper than prose....
I wished not for abundance, but for value for my hardwork,
I wouldn't care if you laugh at these desires or smirk...
My wishlist is what I deserve, I affirm each day,
Destiny will make for me a path and I will be at liberty to choose my way...
There are no crossroads luckily, atleast in my mind,
But I would thing wisely and choose thoughtfully,if I find...
My wishlist can't be all poured into words, for it's just a reflection,
Of dreams, desires, wishes, aspirations, it's a collection....
I suggest you revise yours too, once in a while, 
You'll feel like ticking off a thing or two, after reaching a few steps, and crossing miles..
Carefully as I woke it, cautiously I stroke it, with the nib of my sweat, not just pen,
There are many who don't even make a wishlist, their doings, carve it for them, I call them the real men.....
That's the last wish, my wishlist contains, to be like that,
Even though it does contain of superficial things too, like, dear lord, make me beautiful, make me loose fat...
Each year I try to shorten it down, as people elongate theirs,
There is a journey, I ticked off, cloak of wisdom , that time makes me wear...
Today, I am here, penning this, trying to guide someone,
I've already ticked a wish by that, made equal, roses, pen and gun....

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