Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

There are many mysteries that surround the development of humankind... One of them is the presence of 3-D or third dimension, some might like to call it a parallel world, whilst some claim to have traveled this through 'sukhshm shareer' or the out-of-body experiences as commonly known.

While it's debatable, if such a territory or universe rather, does exist, if it doesn't what explains the innumerable instances of people having clairvoyance visions, piled-up stories on time travel, and the scientific existence of a universe beyond, which hasn't been explored yet.

While some might choose to agree that the above examples aren't related, but then, the beyond logic magic of witchcraft and traveling of sound waves to align the universe, how does it all work???

Well, the man believes what he perceives as evident, but the theory of a parallel world is not just mystifying but also shrouded in many mysteries.

Though we all wish for a wish pill, to rectify things, travel back in time, and Fantasize about living in a parallel world, but the propositions are yet too dreamy, but so was the theory once, that the earth is round!!!

Hoping that time and scientific experiments, bring more clarity on the status of this issue, I personally would continue to believe that if we originated as aliens, as many scientific theories do claim now, there is bound to be a universe, we can Inhabit, though we're oblivious to it's existence as of yet...

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