Is it okay for any individual on this planet to end their life by committing suicide, despite how big the reason is, how depressed an individual is, what situation the individual is facing, etc.? The answer is a simple and straight "no." As an individual, I have seen, read, and heard about people ending their lives by committing suicide. The reason I want to write on this topic is to decrease suicide rates in India and across the globe. A famous and beautiful quote by John Green, a famous and top American author, explained why no individual should ever think about committing suicide. The quote says, "Dying is the last thing I would EVER do!" And yet still I worried. I like being a person. I wanted to keep at it. In simple words, it is far better to be alive than dying on our own terms. As an individual, you might miss plenty of opportunities that can show the world what you are really capable of and what kind of person you are.
Before we get into the most common reasons why any individual might make up their mind that there is no other option left than to commit suicide, it is important for everyone to remember that "birth and death" are confirmed, but that it is entirely unacceptable to end life before it happens, as God has already written everyone’s death time and date. As human beings, we have a tendency to use things even after their expiry date in some circumstances, so why do a few individuals end their lives before the expiry date? The most common reasons for committing suicide are listed below:
When an individual has been a victim of any reason, there might be different things running in his or her head that make their thinking capacity reduce as their brain is occupied with unwanted things. I am sure that every individual on this planet has many tensions, of which a few might lead to suicidal thoughts for some individuals, so do they want to commit suicide? No, suicide is not a permanent solution for temporary struggles or problems. Life heavily relies on hope and faith, as no individual can predict what is in store for the next day. So why take that step when you are not aware of what is going to happen in the next second or minute? Hypothetically, we might agree that the individual made the right choice, even though it was wrong, but what happens after that decision? The most difficult part of that decision is thinking about what happens to their loved ones, families, relatives, and friends after a certain individual's death due to suicide.
Due to one hasty decision made by a certain individual, family and close friends will be devastated, traumatised, sad, etc., which can take years to get back to normal. In most situations, few members feel guilty for that individual's death, which is even worse than death as their entire life is disbalanced until they convince themselves that they are not the reason for that individual's death. The main reason for feeling guilty is the actions or decisions taken by them in the past. Some of the basic but most powerful actions are not responding to calls or texts, not having a proper conversation, discouraging instead of supporting, not providing the confidence that we are responsive and just a phone call away to share anything that an individual wants to, which can make him feel calm, relax, and build a positive mindset, etc.
It is an even worse situation for families who have a single child or parent, as their interest in leading happy lives decreases as the reason for their existence is no longer alive. Life for the individual's family, relatives, and close ones becomes even more difficult after the individual's demise than during the individual's existence.
If you want to control the suicide rates and stop individuals from committing suicide, you must provide the comfort and feeling that I am available 24/7 so that the individual can share what exactly he or she is facing in life, going through in life, or what bothers him or her the most. Sharing what’s in mind makes that individual feel lighter and can protect from depression, anxiety, stress, etc. as you might be that angel who will give the right decision or show the path that makes that individual feel better. Even if you don’t have any ideas or solutions, never show you are not interested in the conversation, as it can make the individual situation bad to ugly. Always educate the individual on the values and principles of life as a friend. Keep checking on the individual on a regular basis, which helps you know whether that individual is fine or not.
The most important thing to remember is to never make fun of that individual's situation or disclose it to anyone, as a few members of society are opportunistic to bring that individual down despite the reason. Government, social media, print media, and TV media should also educate the public and spread awareness on how valuable life is, mental health awareness, physical health awareness, etc. We also need to spread awareness that suicide is not the solution to any problem by giving genuine examples that can inspire those individuals and give them hope, belief, and confidence that they should lead happy and peaceful lives.
It is simple but effective. In my opinion, it is ok to experience a range of emotions and difficult situations in life, like being happy, sad, disheartened, disappointed, a victim of mental harassment, a failure, etc., rather than ending up dead, as you are at least alive and have a chance to turn the tables around, which is possible, as it completely depends on you how you want to pounce back from a situation rather than giving up very easily. Even if there is no one to support, care for, encourage, or push you in life. Family, God, and hope are the three most valuable things that can help you achieve the impossible feats that can blossom those minds that were the reason to make you decide this suicide is the best option. If you live for yourself and not for others, then I can guarantee you that nothing can lead to the decision to end your life through suicide. Always believe in time, as it heals everything. So say "no" to committing suicide and say yes to "a happy and colourful life no matter what happens."
To sum up, I make a sincere request to all my fellow readers out there: spread this message to as many audiences as you can. It quotes, "Never commit suicide, nor let anyone commit suicide, as life is the most valuable asset on this planet." No matter what the situation, struggle, or problem, the only way to tackle it is with a smile on your face, which can help you win over anything in this world. Remembering those who have sacrificed their lives in accidents, war, and other tragic events can serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience we all possess. It is important to be brave and to fight the battles of life until the very end. That makes you a true warrior in life.