Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

A lot is being talked in today's society regarding mental health. People have understood that health is not only physical but also mental. The society now understands what depression is, why does it occur and what should be done to cope with it but despite of all these discussions the person who actually is suffering from any condition that affects his or her mental health has an entirely different perspective from other people who have not experienced it. A little workload, failure, or unhappiness is being considered by some as mental torture, lack of peace, or depression, but it is different from what is portrayed. When you are depressed or tensed then no thoughts, and no therapies really help you because a thought is stuck in your mind and despite of your best efforts you are not able to remove it from your mind, you fall prey to Overthinking.

Overthinking is like a well in which a person once fallen is gone forever. A person who is overthinking wants to be happy in his life but he is not able to do so because he is always stuck in the guilt of past or in the planning of the future. The persons make the problem very big and troublesome for him despite of the fact that practically it might not be as troublesome as it seems. Sometimes the problem doesn't even exist in practicality, it is only present in a person's mind because he always has habit of imagining and thinking and planning things that might happen with him in future and is haunting him or her today. Such a person always has a bombardment of thoughts in his mind, always trying to find solution or trying to change his or her past or present which actually he cannot. He or she is unable to live the moment or feel the present. Such a person always tries to find out somebody to talk but he is unable to understand that despite of having a long contact list or a group of people around him, to whom he can talk his heart out. Overthinking leads to anxiety, stress, anger, disappointment, and ultimately depression. A person might be working very hard but he might not be able to succeed or achieve what he wants because half of its efforts and energy are going in vain just because he is not only fighting with the world and its challenges but also with his own thoughts,stuck in his brain. The person first thinks that he might tell his problems to his or her family but then some thoughts again might stop him from doing so. some may think that sharing their problems might tense their family who is already doing a lot for their life or sometimes the parents knowingly or unknowingly don't want to understand their child's feelings. They think that their child is just making lame reasons to justify his failure in life and they instead of finding out the problems to his solution make fun or get angry along with the society with which he is already fighting. If a person is living away from his or her home then problem can be even bigger because loneliness may exaggerate over thinking and all this can combine to give rise to anxiety attacks, sweat pangs, nightmares, helplessness, and depression. Society doesn't understand that at this point of time the person requires support. They don't have the strength to fight any external force against them because a more stronger internal force is constantly pushing them towards darkness. Society and parents are the biggest critics of a person. Definitely, they say something by their experience and for the betterment of the child but one should understand that every child is different and they may need support at some point of time . This doesn't mean that parents shouldn't say anything to their child . They themselves have fought in their lives either for their own selves or their child but sometimes one needs a strong emotional support to stand this hard life. 

A person who is overthinking is also very hard working, he wants to just focus on one work and do it whole heartedly. He is thinking about that particular work or that particular target day and night because of his nature of over thinking but the feelings of helplessness, self-doubt, failure, lack of support, lack of decision-making power make them believe in every and anybody's thoughts or comments regarding them instead of having a confidence in themselves. These people very easily find or accept their own fault and try to change themselves. Ultimately, there is no solution to this overthinking. One can just try to keep the thoughts that are pushing him or her away from his goals outside their brain as far as possible but that too with time becomes difficult for the person and he learns to live the way he is. The people in the society must always take care that if you cannot support a person then at least don't try to pull them down because you don't know that what the person you are talking to is going through. Deep inside them, there might be a strong storm that they are already fighting. One should never try to put thoughts in their mind that might be dissatisfying or disappointing for them. Focus, faith and believe will help them to achieve everything they have dreamt of, may be a little late but definitely one day. The people in the society should just take care to make a peaceful world for themselves as well as for others to live. An overthinker always feels that his thoughts are more tangled than the wires of his headphones. So mental health needs to be generously understood by everybody and not just end up becoming merely a good topic of discussion where debates are being carried outside and inside people suffering from it are suffocating themselves because of their own thoughts.

Lastly, always remember - live and let go. Don't be held down by things you cannot control.

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