Language is a massive part of one’s identity, and what is taught to oneself at a young age stays with them for life. As surveys show, those speaking in Hindi is significantly more than those speaking in English in the government school, and in the private school, those speaking in English are more. Kendriya Vidyalaya had a relatively moderate gap between students fluent in the two languages.
While countries from the anglosphere may not face such a problem due to their sole official or national language being English, India has been a former colony of the British and has yet managed to uphold its regional languages, the most spoken of which being Hindi. However, educational institutes have not been able to balance the two languages while teaching. Many of the government schools in India lack teachers who are capable of communicating with the students in English. Moreover, the majority of the students attending the government schools come from economically weaker sections of the society, where they are not exposed to the English language as compared to those attending private schools. Majority of the private schools in India lack students fluent in Hindi due to the stigma around the language. The westernisation of our minds due to India’s colonization and glorification of the west has caused us to regard the English language as a noble and grandiose language, and this subsequently leads to the Hindi language being looked down upon and considered inferior to English.
The English language, though not the most common, is undoubtedly the most widespread language on earth. Even in India, many jobs that are often higher-paying as compared to the rest require an understanding of English. If students are not fluent in English, it will be difficult for them to be employed in such a job and climb up the social ladder. However, if students are only fluent in the English language, they will consider Hindi to be a secondary language, and will thus consider the Hindi speaking population secondary to those speaking in English. The divide between the two communities will add to the already prevalent divisions in our society and stereotypes regarding people speaking in Hindi will rise exponentially.
To minimize this disparity of English and Hindi speaking, students in private and government schools respectively, teachers should be better equipped to teach English whilst the importance of Hindi should be taught. Every government school should have teachers that have a degree in education and are capable of communicating with the students in English fluently. In private schools, Hindi should be a mandatory subject until grade six and a choice between the regional language (Sanskrit in absence of one) until grade ten. Moreover, Hindi literature, competition, workshops, etc. should also be present in private schools to promote Hindi.
In conclusion, even if the issue of language in education may not seem significant, it will impact the student's life to a great extent. They will carry their knowledge of languages forever, and their future will be decided by what kind of education is provided to them at a young age. Language is the medium through which they will communicate for the rest of their lives, and their lack of knowledge of either English or Hindi should not act as a barrier to their education.