Photo by Kat J on Unsplash


Every Individual who is born on this planet has a personality, an opinion, an ideology and a perspective to offer to this society, we encounter countless numbers of individuals every day and as a conversationalist, we happen to anticipate few convincing attributes of each one’s personality and most of those attributes has a lot to relate with the pattern in which their childhood was unfolded. At times we happen to become so much authoritative that we often forget to give our children the correct atmosphere to blossom and learn the art to live peacefully with right set of principles


Childhood is the most influencing part of an individual’s life, a child becomes a mere reflection of the conversations and experiences he encountered in this phase. Parenting plays a Pivotal role in defining what as a vision will exist within the child. A child rapidly picks up the actions and events around him and just tries to replicate them without filtering the bad one’s from the good ones, the secret to making your child confident throughout his life lies in injecting enthusiasm and appreciation for the small successes he has since his childhood, if people around a child tend to criticise him and believe that criticism will help him to achieve better results in his activities the truth is that it will not, rather it will leave the child thinking that he is a below average person and does not have proper knowledge and enlightenment to convert small skills into a big shot, Criticism at times is important but criticising a child to such an extent that he begins assuming himself to be a mere liability and recognizes own self a trouble maker instead of a problem solver is nowhere a healthy approach towards educating them.

Importance Of Communication among Parents and Children

Communication is the essence of every relationship, the more you unfold your opinion towards Someone the better understanding and clarity the other person develops of your thoughts, At times Parents do not talk much to their children assuming that maintaining a distance in the conversations will help them to strengthen their respect and dignity Infront of their children ,Now Imagine going to school for the first time and getting bullied by one of your classmate about your physical appearance and having nobody to share this dreadful incident with, I understand that we as an adult visualize this as a part and parcel of life but the child who is stepping out for the first time and does not know much about this world will perceive world as a place where it is okay to make fun about somebody’s shortcomings and since today he was a victim of this devastating experience tomorrow when he gets the authority he will make somebody else feel inferior and insecure by his actions or by his words , So it is important for parents to communicate with their children and help them constructing strong principles that must not get blown away by the winds of the falsified remarks of this world.

Since Education is perceived to be the only criteria of making assumptions of a child’s destiny, Parents expect their children to devote maximum amount of time in their studies and do not allow them the freedom to invest some portion from their schedule towards their hobbies thinking that investing time into hobbies might deplete the chances of scoring well in their academics, I personally believe that Hobbies play an essential part in the overall development of a child’s personality but our society never uplifts the idea for a parent to appreciate their children for achieving tremendous results in something which is outside the academic curriculum,society believes that scoring good grades is the symbolism of excellence and tries to underrate other areas of life in which the child is actually interested and has potential to showcase extraordinary results, I understand Studies are important and plays an integral part in developing a child’s intellect but it does not gives the assurance that children who score excellent in their academics will be able to secure high paying and prestigious jobs with peaceful personal life, I believe every individual has got a talent which exists within him he just needs an uplifting environment and Supportive individuals around him so that the eternal voice within him always persuades them towards the correct goal and help them to be humble during their success and stay patient during struggles.

Since Academical Results have become a hallmark of success in professional life being successful in any area other than academics is considered as worthless. At times Parents and relatives Create Scenarios of unnecessary Stress for their children to do well in their academics to such an extent that ‘Academics’ which must be a part of life a child starts visualizing it as the only purpose of his life, and the whole destiny has been an evidence of the fact that any work initiated with an element of fear and pressure leads to horrific consequences even if you are good at it, so we must try to uplift their morale, even if they fail initially we must also realize that nobody is born intelligent it comes through hard work, determination, perseverance, passion and utmost Confidence towards the work that we are pursuing.


Parents are an important entity for their children underneath all the grudges and grievances every child has immense love and affection towards their parents, I understand whatever action Parents take towards their children even if it happens to be criticism the intention behind that criticism is not to hurt their child morally, they want their children to become better but in this endless race of making our children successful we happen to create such an environment that often degrades our relationship with them, So Communicate with your children Not only about their results but also about their friends, about their hobbies, about what excites them as a profession, about what perspective they hold on sensitive issues of this society you will then see how a child transforms into strong asset for the rest of your life who never demands anything at the materialistic front but is always in an awe of your advice for every important decisions of his life and wishes for your presence throughout his life.

“Parents are a constant source of motivation for their children we as a Society must understand that imposing restrictions upon our children will put obstacles towards their Creativity and Confidence, So we must promise to ourselves that we as a Parent will remove all the shackles of What Society thinks for Our child and will provide our Budding talents an atmosphere to explore life, embrace the beauty of freedom and Construct Assets with Sound Foundation of Principles”

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