Image from pixaybay by Abdullah_Shakoor

Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets,
A light that shines through the darkest nights.
He brought us the message of peace,
And showed us the way to righteousness.

He was a man of great compassion,
Always willing to help those in need.
He was a man of great wisdom,
And his teachings are still relevant today.

He was a man of great courage,
Never afraid to stand up for what he believed in.
He was a man of great love,
And his love for humanity is unmatched.

Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets,
A beacon of light in a dark world.
He is our guide, our teacher, our friend.
He is our inspiration, our hope, our future.

We are grateful for his message,
And we will continue to follow his teachings.
We will strive to be like him, In every way that we can.

Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets,
Peace and Salutations be upon him...

He was born in Mecca,
 He was orphaned at a young age,
Raised by his uncle
A kind and gentle child was he...

He married Khadijah, a wealthy widow.
The greatest supporter was she to him.
A just and wise leader was he,
 who helped to unite the people of Medina.

Muhammad was a man of peace, love, and compassion.
He taught to be kind to one another,
 and to help those in need.
He was a true prophet of God,
 and his message is still relevant today.
Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets,
Peace and Salutations be upon him...

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