Photo by Matteo Badini on Unsplash

The world today is flawed in many senses, but one of the biggest flaws it has is that people are losing their grip over life. External factors today influence life more than ever. The technology has made our life easier, but it has also blurred the line between every aspect of life. Today, the self is so mixed up with society that life has become overwhelming. And because life has become so overwhelming people constantly feel the need to escape it. Over exposure, early exposure, negative emotions, history of trauma, abuse and the need for escape are some of the many reasons for addiction. According to a report published on The Hindu, in India more than 10 crore people are addicted to various narcotics substances, and the numbers are increasing drastically. That’s more than 7% of the total population, and these numbers only reflects narcotic addiction. There are many other types of addiction, ranging from sex to food and more. Data from many developed countries are much worse than that of India. It would not be an exaggeration to say that addiction is one of the most significant diseases plaguing the world today, and unfortunately, it continues to escalate at an alarming rate.

The purpose of this article is to provide insight into the mindset and experiences of an addict, with the aim of promoting better understanding and offering potential avenues for support and assistance.


You must have heard addiction so many times before, maybe even used it too. But not many know the exact meaning of it. Addiction is a disease, a brain disorder, it is a compulsive dependence due to the habitual substance abuse or by regular engagement in particular behaviors. It is a multifaceted disease that effects not only physically and mentally but also the spiritually. There are many kinds of addiction such as alcohol, drug, sex, food, gambling, porn, social media and many more. Anything that starts to feel like an absolute necessity for survival is an addiction. However, most people confuse addiction with dependence. People use addiction very lightly, but it is a very serious disease. The correct term for most is dependence. As the name suggests it is a process where one’s mind and body feel reliant on a particular thing like dependence on the food during times of sadness or constant need to use phone or interact with screen. Dependence happens because the body has adapted to that thing, whereas addiction is more serious in nature and has a worse psychological as well as physiological effects.


The simplest answer to this question is that it provides an escape from all the bad or overwhelming aspects of life. Life today is so far away from balanced, there is no clear distinction between work and life, and with the rise of social media even the personal and social life have become intertwined. Ultimately what’s left is a complicated mixture of everything. Almost each one of us suffers from various issues ranging from basic insecurities to complex psychological issues. Nobody wants to feel bad or face problems or why else we would work so hard if not happiness? We all want to feel great, live comfortably. So, what we do, we find things that can provide us with happiness and an escape. Thus, things that can provide an escape always remain in high demand. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with this, the life of today is such that the urge to relax and rejuvenate is completely natural. However, everything starts to go downhill when you begin to lose the control over it.


  • Temporary escape and a new normal.

The biggest problem with such things is that they can only provide a temporary escape. However, this doesn’t change the reality of life. Ultimately, one must face reality, but people are not ready to do so because it feels good to live in these artificial worlds rather than facing their harsh reality. Therefore, they continue to do it. Ideally, what an escape should do is, to relax one and provide fresh energy to work further, but people often become so comfortable in the escape that they choose to stay in it. Now, what happens is that this path for escape becomes a remedy for every pain, from simple work stress to negative emotions to complex grief. As long as there is pain, the substance abuse continues. The pain won’t ever stop coming, and such things will continue to work as a temporary solution. Eventually survival without it is becomes impossible. This dependency becomes their new normal and a vicious loop is thus formed. Let’s say I have some problem, so I drink to relax and forget the problem for some time. But I did nothing to solve the problem; it remains, and so does its consequences. I drink again to escape from those consequences, thus forming a dark, vicious loop. You won’t even realize when you became addicted. After some point the substance or alcohol in this case becomes as important and as normal as breathing. One cannot even imagine a life without it.

  • Addiction takes away self-control.

The worst thing about addiction is that it controls people. The urge to use drugs or engage in other addictive behaviors becomes so strong that everything else fades away. No matter how morally strong a person may be, addiction blurs every line. This is why it is normal for addicted people to lie, cheat, hurt, blackmail, rob or even murder other. It is their survival instinct that drives them to such extremes. Though this may seem selfish or horrible non- addicts, for them, it is the only way they can survive. And this constant struggle for survival can lead people to act in ways that contradict their character or morality, making them question who they truly are.

  • Makes one question their morality and goodness.

People often harbor hate towards individuals who suffer from addiction due to the action they take. If an addicted person cannot obtain their desired substance, they may do anything to get it. In their minds, it is matter of survival, much like a loin killing a deer for sustenance. The body starts shaking like that of a vampire after seeing blood. Although the sense of morality does return after the rush subsides. They sometimes end up doing unforgivable things to those whom they love the most. The guilt and self-hatred are so intense that it destroys them from inside. Some people turn to suicide and the rest continue the drug use to escape the overwhelming emotions. These actions only further push them into darkness, making it harder to break free from addiction. It becomes a very tough battle with only two possible outcomes: death or a very hard battle for life.

There is a very famous show named Euphoria, it is a story of a young girl named Rue who suffers from drug addiction. In one of the special episodes Rue was talking to Ali (another character) about how she feels. That conversation could really help one to understand about the guilt of an addicted person.

Rue: I’m a piece of shit, huh?

Ali: yeah, yeah you are but the silver lining here is, you are not a drug addict because you’re a piece of shit; You are a piece of shit because you’re a drug addict.

This line summarizes the whole essence of this paragraph, what he meant by this is it is the drug that makes one do the bad things not the vice- versa.


The question that should be asked more often is why the addiction has become such a prevalent disease. We have become too engrossed in material things, and while there isn’t anything inherently wrong with that, but it has gone way beyond reasonable limitations. With the rise of meta verse and AI, the problem will become much worse. Human detachment from oneself is going to be even more severe than it is now. Future technology will provide wide array of such temporary solutions, much more than today and everyone will have some form of addiction. It is essential for society to find a solution before it's too late. People need to find a way to balance the different aspects of life, and spirituality seems like a compelling option. If spirituality seems too far off as an option, then one should limit their material interaction to the least possible extent.

Steps for recovery

  • The first step in stopping addiction is acknowledging the problem. Denial and avoidance only make it harder to overcome.
  • Seeking professional help is important because addiction is a medical condition that requires specialized treatment. A support system of family, friends, and peers can provide encouragement and make recovery easier.
  • Changing daily habits, avoiding triggers, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can break the cycle of addiction.
  • Medication-assisted treatment may be necessary in some cases to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

Recovery is a lifelong journey that requires commitment and dedication, so it is important to stay motivated and continue seeking help even after initial treatment.

Note - The battle of addiction may feel impossible to win, but it's not. Nothing is impossible. Once you decide to fight, with proper guidance and efforts, there is nothing that one can't overcome.

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