Photo by HONG SON: pexels

When I look in the mirror I don't see me,
I have no idea who I am or  I am supposed to be,
When I look in the mirror I see a puzzle missing a piece,
A lock with no keys,
I see a work in progress,
An unorganized yet put-together mess,
I see the night sky without the stars,
A deck with only 49 cards,
I see someone trying to figure out who they are meant to be,
Someone trying to figure out how to navigate the sea,
Yet all I see is a necromancer,
Who doesn't know the ingredients to her own spells,
Yet I stir and stir and stir,
Hoping it will ring a bell,
I look for 'them', 'a him', 'a her',
But find no one,
No one to find the answer,
No to be the answer.

.    .    .
