Photo by Anandan Anandan on Unsplash
Water is the elixir of life,
It’s depletion, has become quite rife.
There were at a time, lakes and rivers, seas and oceans,
But what now? For even a drop of water, there is lot of commotion!
Gone are the days, when there was water all around!
Here comes the day, when we all stand confound.
Water is required for drinking, irrigation , manufacturing and much more,
Once upon a time, plenty of water used to galore.
Over exploiting our existing resources was a blunder,
A grave situation, seems to thunder.
Now is the time, now is the opportunity,
To take effective steps and conserve water with unity.
We are polluting our resources day and night,
The time is not far enough, when we shall contrite.
Please for God’s sake conserve water,
Or we may soon have to live as a pauper.
Water is precious to each organism,
We need to conserve water and stop this barbarism.
Cities like Cape Town, have all dried up,
The economies of many countries, may disrupt.
All is in our hand,
Either to take action, or like a fool just idly stand.
God’s watching us from Heaven,
We have to utilize water efficiently, that he has given!