Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

"When the creative mind is unleashed and understands its true nature, it's unlimited. There's nothing you cannot do." ~ Byron Katie

21st century, what an era to live in!! An era of billions of opportunities; an era where technology is at its best form; an era of Gen-Zs; an era of creativity at its peak; an era of self-development and an era of Web3. Web3 technology in today’s time is one of the most significant role players in the development of worldwide artists’ communities. Web3 is a major source of income creation for the young artists across the globe. Through Web3 artists are able to sell their artwork on different online marketplaces at a reasonable market value. In the present time, creative people from all around the world are seen selling their creative art on the NFT marketplaces with the aid of Web3 technology. But, the question that arises here is that what is Web3? Well, before understanding the concept of Web3, let us delve into the worlds of Web1 and Web2.

Web1 was the first creation of the World Wide Web and is the ancient version of the internet, where one can browse and read information. On the other hand, Web2 pertains the present condition of the internet. Web 2.0 implies the internet applications of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It is the form of internet that is dominated by companies that provide facilities in return of personal information. Web3 is the recent and refined version of the web. Some instances of Web3 are the metaverse, NFT (non-fungible token), cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, etc.

NFT is a crucial part of Web3. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. NFT is a digital asset that illustrates peculiar assets like artworks, music, digital contests, or media. The term “non-fungible token” in general terms maybe defined as the token or digital asset is irreplaceable with other digital tokens and is completely unique. Each digital asset has its own peculiar identity. These NFTs can be traded with the aid of cryptocurrencies which thereafter are turned into real money. Cryptocurrencies are digitized form of money which are independent of banking verifying transactions and have real money value. Moreover, the fiscal value of cryptocurrencies keep changing at times with market demands. Some of the instances of cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance. It furnishes all with a huge opportunity of converting one’s artistry into money. In today’s time, both traditional and digital creators are delving into the world of NFT. Some of the prominent NFT marketplaces are: Foundation, Opensea, Known Origin, and Super Rare.

A person who has created a significant piece of art can upload their respective art pieces on the NFT trade place. Their arts will be transformed into a digital asset that shall subsequently evolve into an NFT. Hereafter, this digital asset is all set to be traded in the NFT trade place. These workpieces can be either sold at a fixed price or be put up for auction. After a person lists their artwork up on NFT, anyone interested to buy these art pieces can purchase them with the aid of crypto currencies and the quantity of these crypto-coins will later on be reflected in the seller’s crypto wallet. Subsequently, these crypto-coins can be converted into actual currency and these real money can be withdrawn by the seller at any point of time. The icing on the cake part here is that sellers are even rewarded with royalty for every further sale of their original digital assets.

After a person buys their interested piece of artwork they can resell these art pieces to a third party. This is known as a secondary sale. On account of this secondary sale, the original seller of the digital asset will accrue a certain amount of money and this chunk of money will be termed as royalty of the original seller of the asset. Artists are allowed to set the rate of royalty somewhere between 3%-10%. This rate may differ according to sale price of NFT which varies with each sale.

To be successful in the Web3 community and promote one’s artwork in the NFT trade place, one must primarily connect with as many people they can, construct a community, and establish themselves in that respective community. One’s NFT art can have an extensive reach globally only with adequate marketing and promotion. This reach in turn will help in increasing the sale of the artworks. The community of Web3 is seen playing a pivotal role in fostering all forms of art globally in the current time. It thus assists in obtaining more popularity in the Web3 space.

Sharing one’s innovative piece of art on various social networking websites will eventually help in attracting all kinds of art enthusiasts from across the globe which will ultimately help in acquiring better community engagement leading to the promotion of one’s NFT. One of the most influential social media platform in terms of Web3 is the platform of Twitter. Sharing one’s work on twitter can bring much more attention to one’s artwork than any other social networking sites. It not only helps in promoting one’s NFT but constructing the community as a whole.

The entire concept of Web3 is still new to majority of the people. The world of Web3 has been helping millions of people since it’s inception to establish themselves as an artist in the NFT space. It helps people comprehend the less-known concepts of cryptocurrencies, block chain, metaverse and other emerging concepts in a much better way than others. Web3 also stimulates people to adopt new skills such as Computer Graphics Imager (CGI), animation, and digital art. NFT and Web3 in present time can provide some amazing opportunities to creative people who wills to earn from their creativity. NFT can be a life changing opportunity for some people.

In the future, Web3 is believed to make a groundbreaking change in the world. International collaborations are just a screen away with this exclusive borderless web3 technology. Megaverse creatives would be able to connect with any brand and any artist irrespective of their genres. Today, creative people from across the globe are benefitting themselves of NFT and Web3 and making tons of money by trading and investing the former. Currently, NFT is the foremost way of turning creativity into income. Web3 and NFT are the present and the future. Web3 an NFT are seen shattering the traditional barriers that individuals face while trying to enter in the creative industry. This in return permits artists from diverse backgrounds to showcase their art and monetize their art. Because of the democratization of creation, there are now more chances for artists and makers everywhere, which has led to a more diverse and dynamic cultural environment. Creative people no longer have to be dependent on established institutions for their independent recognition and monetary success. They can now rather have a direct engagement with a global audience and monetize their exceptional talent in previously unheard-of ways.

The democratization of creativity is giving people the ability to influence how technology and art are developed in the future. With Web3's decentralized structure and NFTs' transparent ownership, creators and artists now have more ways than ever to monetarily support their work. Future art and creative support systems are likely to undergo a dramatic change as a result of the increasing use of these technologies.     

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