Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
When we say “Go with the flow of the world”. Let time change you, the person who succeeded was due to his intelligence. What is this Intelligence? The dimensions change from person to person, for a student it might be to score good grades in class, and for a working person it might be to excel in his work, but in reality, the true meaning of intelligence does not mean sharpness of mind but the presence of mind. The presence of mind is nothing but popularly called “Common Sense”, not everyone has it but what is it? Common sense means knowing where we know our limitations and capabilities and can take good and rational judgments, it is a bouncer for the head, right? Okay, so to simplify it let us go step by step.
There is a difference between people when we say them like weak, strong, brave, stupid, etc. When you try to improve yourself and steps towards success, the world talks about you and tries to bring you down, but you know it:
Weak People Revenge;
Strong people Forgive;
Intelligent People Ignore;
The Ignorance here is nothing but the presence of mind towards their goal, and the knowledge of losing their precious time in the time losing behind them. But do you think knowledge is intelligence and because of knowledge intelligence develops? Then you are a little off track on this idea my friend;
Knowledge and intelligence do not always go hand in hand, as the quote says;
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination” - Unknown
We get knowledge from secondary sources, people’s experiences, and books. But imagination is raw in its form it is a thing we create from our thoughts which occur due to its freedom to create, the idea that airplanes can be created, the idea of the rocket, the accounts, and the science all have their origin from imagination, which can change the whole mindset both in a good and bad way. Therefore, if you have creative imagination then it might mean you are intelligent.
But intelligence is of no use until you know its application, therefore intelligence is not knowledge but without knowledge of its application intelligence is just an empty phrase and imagination.
“Change” is a single word but deepens to mean a lot. When we say a special talented child need not change to work hard. But in the true world change needs to be occurred because:
“No one has a special talent. They are only passionately curious”
Passion, dream, and aim are very distinct words but mean the same all three require action, and even a person who is average and has passion and took action will be the change. When these words are mixed with actions, they make magical portions that become the main change or turning point in one’s life and a new magic show for the world!
When we see through all these and come back to the quote “ability to change” is to take steps, take action and work on our dreams our passion, and our imagination. When we change; the world will change it all starts with us, But the true meaning of it is to work with time, don’t be rigid like stone, be water, flow flawlessly in your dimensions adopt your surroundings in a good way and not the bad aspects and that is the time or point in your life you will understand that humans thrive is change and expansion and that is when you will acknowledge the true meaning of the quote given by Albert Einstein. Everything is connected and everything happens for a reason.