Image by Jack Drafahl from Pixabay

I want to express my gratitude to all of you for your commitment to making this platform a better place. This represents an opportunity for us to come together, connect, and share in the spirit of knowledge and ideas. and I'm here to enhance the importance of life.

LIFE What is the meaning of life is one of the greatest questions that prevails around us daily, naturally, we have come across 100s of answers. Pphilosopher Plato believed the meaning of life is to learn. his student Aristotle believed that it is to be good .cynicism says that be to self-sufficient whereas hedonism says to have pleasure.

Every day, over 150,000 people die. That's over 6,000 people every hour, over 100 people every minute, and about two people every single second. That means since I started writing, about 20 people have already died. And some of these people got hit by cars, others fell off a cliff, others may have had a heart attack, and others may have simply passed away from natural causes. Death is one of those things that every single living thing on Earth has in common and death does not discriminate against your skin color or your political beliefs, or where you were born, or how much money you have. No one can escape the incurable disease that we all are blessed with from birth called life. And it's interesting because even though we all logically know this, very few of us have internalized this. How many of you have sat down with your eyes closed in an empty room and truly imagined what your funeral would look like? Like who would even be at your funeral? I'm sorry to say this on an optimistic evening but have u?

Who would be there out of pure obligation and politeness, and who would be there because they wanted to be there? What would people say about you? What would they remember? And it's weird because you'd think. After all, we all have this terminal disease called life, and we all would be more sympathetic and loving with one another. Because 120 years from now, every single human being on Earth will be dead, and a brand-new set of humans will be alive. And this is the cycle of life.

It just goes on and on and on. And when you start thinking about life like this, you start to realize how short our time here on Earth is. And you also start to realize that we all are on this journey together as one. And it also makes you question the way most people. interact with one another. Like why do so many people get so angry with each other? Or why do people argue with each other?

Why do people physically harm one another? Why do human beings behave like this?

I think a part of it is because we have not sat down to think about what the true meaning of life is. And I also think that most people have not come to terms with the fact that they are not going to be here forever. And to be honest, I don't claim to know what the true meaning of life is, yet

I think it's something that our human brain can't fully and logically understand. It would kind of be like trying to explain consciousness to a dog or a cat or something. (chuckles) They just can't understand. However, what I will say is there are some things that I think everyone should know. And I think the first step to actually understanding a topic like the meaning of life is to first align ourselves with the four truths of the universe. And the first truth is the truth of cause and effect, which means that every single thing you do or say has some kind of effect on the world around you and yourself.

Now, to be clear, I'm not saying that we should all dwell in the past. and feel sorry for ourselves, but what it does mean is that going forward, you should be very conscious of the things that you say and the things that you do within this world. And if you feel like you behaved in a way, or you lost it on someone, you can always apologize to that person because it is never, ever too late to say I'm sorry.

And the second truth of the universe is the law of impermanence, which means that every single thing here on Earth is temporary. Like our bodies, our minds, our relationships, and even our brains. because the sun could explode and every single thing could be gone within a second. And funny enough, this is a good thing, and it shouldn't make you feel bad or sad because it's none of those things. What it should make you do is cherish every single moment that you have here on Earth.

And to be clear They can be any moment, like that one time when you laughed so hard that tears fell from your eyes, or maybe it was that time when you simply were sitting alone. and you were just gazing at the sunset. Because all we have in this lifetime is the present moment.

And the third truth is the law of suffering and attachment. Any time that we become attached to something or someone, we are making a contract with ourselves to be unhappy, really because like we just discussed, nothing here on Earth is permanent which means that you will eventually lose that loved one, or you will eventually lose that watch, or that car, or that family member. Even your own body is not really made for you, you are going to lose it one day.

And the fourth truth is that we all are going to die one day. Believe me, it is the one truth that everyone knows here.

And the death truth is typically the toughest one for most people to accept because it often makes people sad. But death does not have to be a bad thing or even a sad thing, because, without death, the moments with our friends or our family would not be that special or deep. Without death, everything would eventually become dull and meek and gray.

And there would be no incentive to love and cherish the moments that we have with one another. There would be no incentive to laugh deeply or love deeply, or even to be present. And these are the things that truly make life rich and worth living.

And on top of that, death is one of those things that truly does connect all of us. Because it makes you realize that you and the billion people here on Earth are all on the same team because this is our time. to collectively live life to the fullest as one.

So the next time that you feel the need to yell at that loved one, or to yell at that person who cut you off in traffic, or to get revenge on that person who wronged you in the past, just remember that you are choosing to actively hurt your very own teammate. Make every moment count. Love deeply, laugh deeply, and be present in the moment, because at the end of the day, all we have in life is the present moment.

let me make it very simple life is an amazing journey between the two alphabets B and D whereas b stands for birth and d stands for death. the journey between these two points B and D the segment B D we cannot make these segments large or small both are out of control as I am in college .okay what is in the word control is between the alphabet B and D called c and that C is the Choice we can all learn to choose as we live our life. we can all learn to choose not to prove but to improve we can learn not to react but to interact and to respond. even the Tamil matrimony app daily insisting to be choosy!!

it's not important that you become a good fighter in this world and it's not important that you become a good spiritual guide in this world its important that u find a way to live a pleasant life and in the best case support other people that they also find the same this is what it's about no matter in which form you put it in which cultural background you put in . the main idea is if you don't find this way of reducing the suffering of your surroundings, our suffering won't stop. because we're connected so that means to save ourselves we have to save all others. save all others save yourself. bingo life is that simple.

we are built for adventure not for comfort and so we are gonna find the meaning of our adventure life .beleive me or not no better feeling in this world to escape from my class mam for being late. if we have an adversary voluntarily accepted we've got ourselves an adventure and the adventure of life is embedded in truth.

I would like to quote some lines I admired...

Medicine, law, business, and engineering are the noble purists necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, and love are what we stay alive for!

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