Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from

No matter how hard you tried,
You can never avoid it when the person is right.
Before I saw her I thought love is not real,
But I realized it's a thing that heart constantly makes you feel.
Her memories come to me every time I sit lonely,
Put on my face a big smiley.
Resting whenever I am feeling lethargy,
Her smiling face blows in me infinite energy.
Whenever she’s with me this whole world disappears,
Like an angel from heavens, she appears.
Every day I walk with her makes me think,
She was sent in this world to make with me a special link.
It feels like an eternity the day I don’t see her,
A moment with her,
Feels like a thousand years.
Just to meet her,
I can cross the whole universe.
Just to stay with her a little longer,
I can spin the time in reverse.

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