Image by Vânia Raposo from Pixabay
Upon reaching puberty, she encouraged you to leave and experience the world. It is impossible to replace a mother's never-ending, pure, and unwavering love.
Even if you're really busy, make time for your mother, since you may have another profession and earn more money, but you can't replace a mother's love."
Despite the fact that I'm sure I haven't said it before, I adore you. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You were really concerned about me.
Why did you get up at 5 a.m. every day to serve us..? My breakfast table antics were never criticised. Your efforts were not appreciated by me because I was naïve. Sincere thanks for your diligent efforts in maintaining our family's health. In a world that is always changing, your love is one of the few things that will never change.
In my youth, I searched for methods to cope with life's problems, but I had no clue that my search would bring me back to you. You are my hero because of the pain you went through to bring me into this world, and because you made sure I was happy even while you were going through a terrible time. When I was sick, I remember how you spent endless hours by my side, never leaving. How proud you were when I graduated college, too. Because of your encouragement and support, I was able to attain this success.
Thank you to my mother for her unfailing belief in me and her steadfast support of me. Your positive remarks have motivated me to work hard and achieve what seemed unattainable.
As a result of you, I've learned to get back up and keep going every time I've hit a low point in my life. In part because of you, I've succeeded in my ambitions. Thanks to you, I now know how to believe in myself and how to help others as a consequence of your advice. In both my professional and personal life, I have profited from such valuable ideas.
Unfortunately, I've been known to worry you at times, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for always being there for me when the world was against me and I had no idea what to do. My newfound self-assurance allowed me to follow my chosen job path with gusto. Do not give up on me, since I don't know what I would do if you stopped assisting and guiding me..!
The unconditional love of a mother is living proof that love knows no boundaries. Your presence is enough for us. When you're with us, you'll never be bored. How could I ever exist without you?
Not many things were requested of me when I was a child. The word 'low-maintenance' describes my personality well. When I requested for a tiny amount of money to go to the movies or play games, you were more than happy to oblige and take out a few dollars for me. Again, it never occurred to me that you may have sacrificed something you really desired or needed for yourself in order for me to have what I wanted at the time. My understanding has changed.
To sum it all up, you have been and are the best mother I could have hoped for.
Sincerely, thank you for being my greatest cheerleader when I am down. For raising me in a caring environment, I am grateful to you.
Please accept my gratitude for recognising my worth even when others do not.
Please accept my sincere thanks for believing in me when I had given up on myself..!
Your presence is appreciated and I know you won't go even if the world turns away from me. We'd want to thank you for your unshakable devotion, which you exhibit every day. You deserve everything, and I would happily give it to you even if it required moving the heavens and the earth to make it happen. That is what I'm going to do. Do not doubt my abilities, Mother. One day I'll get around to it.
She's the most resilient person I've ever encountered, in my opinion. I aspire to be a mother like you in the future. We are inseparable in our affection, and I pray to God for your good health..! May God bless you with a long and healthy life, Mom!
With all my heart,
Your daughter.