Image by Zhivko Dimitrov from Pixabay

Being a female in today’s generation is not a good experience altogether. There are numerous issues we need to tackle these days. It is not at all easy. How I perceived certain things about this society is worth arguing about.

Safety issues

A major issue we are facing today is the issue of safety. We cannot withstand flirting, bullying, being seen with wrong intentions, commenting, trolling, body shaming and many more. Each street we are passing by we witness a new human being doing a new activity to make us feel uncomfortable. No place is safe. Nobody is worth trusting be it any public area or private area. We are always afraid of being raped.


Everywhere we try to do something, a discrimination factor always comes in between. We are not considered of worth doing certain things and are not even provided by a single chance to prove ourselves. No matter how strong the laws be, there’s an urgent need to abolish this gender discrimination.

Lack of support

When it comes to the matter of supporting us in need, nobody is out there for us. It is the worst fact that girls and women are not supported to do anything of their own just because they are females. Why do we need to sacrifice all the time? We are here to live our lives too. Our society believes in investing in males rather than females.

Lack of freedom

We are never given a fair amount of freedom we need in our lives. Be it considering our safety issues, we are not the ones doing anything wrong then why do we always have to be the victims? It is not even our fault. We are hindered of doing a lot of activities we need to do. We are not even provided with fair opportunities as much as our own families provide males with.

Society’s perception

Society’s perception of having a girl is to provide others with their desired needs. We are forced to fulfill their needs in every aspect and are treated grossly often. People think that a female’s duty is to devote her life behind others of the family. We are not here to give our everything. Except in a few cities, everywhere girls are threatened to marry, have kids and do household chores. We are considered as burdens. Because eventually, we need to leave our houses and go out to new ones after marriage and no matter how strongly you urge your family to consider your life they always leave you feeling sick of every single thing. Even if we complain about marriage-related family issues they tell us to adjust.

Domestic violence

Females are often prone to domestic violence. Be it wives, sisters or daughters we are a victim of domestic violence. We are never treated respectfully. I believe that this society is still a male-dominated society. We are suppressed. Our views and opinions are not heard. We are severely oppressed by the males of our families.

I believe there’s no difference between a male and a female. We should be provided with everything equally. The majority of society still doesn’t consider our lives. Only a few percent of the whole system treats females as they should be treated, the rest all are making our lives hard to survive. We suffer a lot. The urgent need of the hour is to look forward for the females of our lives and treat them will the respect and love they deserve. Our society should look out for health, financial, mental and physical care facilities that are necessary for females rather than stooping down to that level and sexually assaulting, abusing and raping them. Females are very important and if their condition is not treated well at the right time, our future will be suffering with unexpected lethal issues.

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