Any individual would claim their nation to be the best one to be a citizen of. This thought is often considered as an incompetent opinion due to patriotism or any emotional attachment one has towards their place of birth. In my humble opinion I believe the citizens of Japan can claim their country to be sans pareil without any hesitation. Japan has a rich cultural and political history. Despite it being an active member in both World War 1 and 2, the major obliteration it this timeline would be the bombing of the two cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945. This catastrophe led to the coming generation of these cities to be born with disabilities. What makes Japan different from other countries is their approach towards this tragedy.
Japan which is also known as ‘The land of the rising sun’, ascends to transpire their loss. The senior citizens of this country took the task on their shoulders to remove the toxic radioactive waste so that the rest of the citizens do not get contaminated by the same. They sacrificed what was left of the rest of their lives to sustain the coming generation. This mentality can only be cultivated with a strong cultural influence. The education system of Japan can be given credit for the same. In the initial years of a child’s education, they are refrained from any formal education and are taught values of morality, cleanliness, discipline, and respect for elders. Thus, creating a future of well-rounded inhabitants.
On the topic of cleanliness and discipline, Japan is one of the cleanest nations in the world. They take garbage disposal seriously and recycle it by categorizing all their trash. Eating on the go is a trend that Japan does not encourage because it leads to accumulation of litter on the roads. They encourage the tourists to respect this culture of spruceness as well. Japanese parents raise their kids with independence. From a young age they are sent out alone for grocery shopping, fetching amenities, traveling to school alone despite the distance, cooking for themselves and doing various household chores. According to studies this type of parenting leads the child to be confident, raises their self-esteem and empathetical towards the working force. They develop the value of budgeting, punctuality, and time management. Japan has one of the lowest crime rates and is considered as one of the safest countries to live in or travel to.
The country is known for its technological advancement, from lavatories that play white noises to the super-fast bullet trains. Japan has always stayed ahead but at the same time rooted to its culture and humility. The way Japanese greet each other is by bowing which is a sign of respect. Respect for the elderly is one of the key features in this culture. Japan provides with Universal health care benefits, despite the disparities of the income of an individual, all are provided with the same benefits for their treatment. Thus, Japan has one of the lowest mortality rates and the highest life expectancy. Their healthy lifestyle also contributes to the previously mentioned fact. Being one of the major exporters of rice, it is a staple in their region as well. Tea is also taken in their diet religiously. The famous Japanese dishes are Sushi, dango, tempura, Moti, Japanese curry, ramen, onigiri, sake and Japanese bread which is super light and fluffy. With serious laws related to the health of citizens, obesity is banned in Japan. The citizens walk or cycle to their place of work, school, college etc.
The country also takes pride in the aesthetic beauty of the nature, especially the famous cherry blossom trees. It also resonates the self-preserving koi pond which is a sustainable version of the swimming pool. Despite Japan being a fast-paced developed nation, it practices patience and persistence. The country has contributed numerous martial art styles such as aikido, kendo, karate, samurai, judo, jiu jitsu, kanji and many more. The architecture of the nation provides the rest of the world the example of ‘Co-existing with nature harmoniously’. After the World War, Japan became a peace-loving country and refrains from any weaponry of mass destruction is possession. It has signed several peace treaties with its neighboring countries. Japan has also contributed ambiguously towards the entertainment section with the renowned anime and Japanese cartoons such as Doremon, Pokemon, Hello Kitty and Shinchan to name a few which are viewed and loved worldwide. Japan is a nation which can be taken up as a role model for other countries to follow in terms of cleanliness, discipline, advancement in technology or its peace-loving attitude. Taking in the positive attributions shouldn’t be restricted alone to Japan. Models by other countries which contribute towards a positive change can be adopted and build a utopian society.