National integration fosters the awareness of a common identity among the citizens of a country despite of being varied in terms of their caste, ethnicity, cultural group, economic background, linguistic variations, etc. at the end, despite of the existence of major differences in the social and personal orientation; one recognizes the fact that they are one. National integration is an important prerequisite that should be achieved by a nation to ensure heightened prosperity and national development in multifaceted spheres like economic, political, social and cultural. Education is an inviolable force that has fortress like ability to bind the youth into the awe-inspiring values of peace, stability, fraternalism, fellowship, that will bind the diverse groups into a single national unit like different colors come together to form a rainbow.
Integration fosters unity despite differences. All accept what is in the larger interest of the nation. This national integration is a sentiment that makes all citizens imbued with patriotism. They first consider themselves citizens of India, and next Hindus, Muslim or others. Notwithstanding differences in opinions and beliefs, all the people of a nation are full of mutual love, integration and brotherhood. And This has been the foremost priority since independence. India’s multi-coloured and multi-layered ethos is rooted in its ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
No other country in the world offers such a creative burst of cultures and religions, races and tongues. India is the second largest country in Asia and the seventh largest and second most populous country on Earth. The essence of multi ethnic layers bounds the citizens in one woven ring of unity. India is a pluralistic society; the essence of community identity is strong, it is based on identity that is ascribed and not achieved, perhaps it is because of this accidental, unconditional and yet most inescapable belonging which gives a psychologically and emotionally connectedness. Thus it is naturally reflected in the behavioral component of the attitudes people hold which are eventually shaped by the consolidation of opinions being strong on affective and cognitive elements which are in turn shaped by the socialization processes, media, education, and primarily the families and values which are imparted to the child since birth. There are expanding and overlapping circles of community ties from the primary to the secondary level, families and immediate customs of families being the closer ones followed by larger group identity, linguistic and ethic commonness , state identity then national identity as Indian which forms as an umbrella that covers diverse form of people living in a single nation state. The sense of cohesiveness and belonging is directly related to the immediate sense of contact. More of a systematic sensitization. A person belonging to the same immediate community in a neighborhood will feel more connected as compared to two people having their state in common. But this is evident that two people of same nationality feel greater camaraderie in a foreign country because humans strive to locate for oneness and commonness to have a sense of security, affection, and recognition.
India has been identified not as a nation or as a state but as a holistic ‘nation-state’ that throws light on the fact that India is a country whose development will be a consolidated mix of 28 states and union territories working together with a separate governmental apparatus and a common constitution which is abided by all. The common model of integration that a country follows, to cater the diversity threats; which hamper the unity and development of the nation is assimilation model that imposes complete elimination of cultural diversity. Historically, states have tried to establish and enhance their political legitimacy through nation building strategies they sought to secure the loyalty of citizens through assimilation or integration. Policy of assimilation was considered because most states feared that recognition of such difference would lead to social fragmentation and prevention of creation of harmonious society. Thus assimilation accounted for suppression of all kinds of identities, and adopting single identity, eroding from public and political arena and practicing only in private. This was enforced by adopting dominant group’s language, promotion of their culture, etc. The state of India follows integration model. It has recognized the best interests of all diverse forms and tries to develop feeling of patriotism through national songs, anthems, festivals and promotion of peace and harmony. The notion of secularism and equal rights with no base of discrimination has been the strength of undivided India. The deeply stratified India remains intact which acts as a strong base for development of nation, and various economic policies such as five year plans focusing on fields and people from various walks of life, for the equal and indiscriminate uplifting of every citizen. The primary focus has been on protection of minorities through the system of reservation which has been a sheer debatable point of discussion as the face of the country evolved and changed with more opportunities being created.
The challenge is in reinvigorating India’s commitment to practices of pluralism, institutional accommodation and conflict resolution through democratic means. In order the ensure political stability and cohesiveness, the loyalty building through identification, trust, support, and education is vital. The malpractices of casteist politics have been the strong point of division among public just to create the vote bank. This has led to serious threats to the unity , leading to communal riots, bloodshed, mass rapes, murders. One of the striking examples is the Sikh riots of 1988 and anti Muslim riots in Gujarat 2002. This brings political instability and economic drainage to the country. This has to be prevented through fair political practices, and keeping in mind the interest of the nation and promote brotherhood.
So Government and constitution have always been sensitive in catering needs and aspirations of all and all those who live in this nation have one common identity and that is a proud Indian. And this should always be inculcated in every Indian to ensure peace and stability and a prospering nation.