Image by Med Ahabchane from Pixabay

So Hellooo… Everyone,

I am Om here with yet another fruitful piece on personal growth.

How are you all?

Long time no see, haaa…

Reading something by me for the first time, right?

Today I am going to talk about THE PERKS OF TRUTHFULNESS.

I know that most of you are thinking that maybe we can skip this piece right? Cause maybe we have now grown up to where we can expect our individual selves to not get schooled to be truthful. I can hear people saying, Kid, we have crossed our teenage and we are now witty enough to have a reasonable degree of understanding of what to speak and what not to speak, and some are brutally saying, go home.

See though I mentioned about the audience who crossed their teenage years, but still, this is for all audiences and I don’t want to, in any way lose my reach, so please try not taking it personally.

Come to the point Om, quit your chatter and navigate on the bloody topic.

So, the topic is perks of truthfulness.

I don’t know about you people, but I, from a very early age, always strongly believed that speaking truth is the best thing to do and therefore I tried to imbibe this habit in myself. And I guess, I am a reasonably truthful person, to myself as well as to others around me.

But the part that we should be more focusing on right now is that, is there a practical benefit to speaking truth. Though, I have mindfully chosen, finely constructed, some tangible and some rock-solid morals and values, and my every action is in compliance with them, and the habit of choosing truth over consequences is also motivated by them,


This question exists, can moral obligation, be enough reason to be truthful?

And by being truthful, I don’t mean being honest to everyone in every possible way and in every possible situation, that is not being truthful or honest, that is just being a horrible person, who isn’t empathetic about feelings of others. What I mean by being truthful is about being more honest to people, and to some specific cases, being less dishonest to others. It is about not choosing the easy way out and rather facing the situation, like I mentioned earlier, It is about choosing truth over consequences.

This whole chattering of me about truthfulness is all about Standing firm to what you mean, by being true and though practicing it might seem an easy way to get caught in dire situations which you could have easily avoided, by adding a pinch of dishonesty into your account, but instead you decided to listen to this person named Om and read his stupid blog and got yourself motivated to speak the truth and congratulations my friend, you just confessed your mistake and now you are in trouble.

Areee wait,

Before you start cussing, just trust me my friend this pain is temporary and you will have nothing to regret after this. And you, yes my friend, you have made the right choice to unburden yourself from the mistake that you committed by just speaking a different set of words.


That’s how great speaking the truth can be. Just letting it out honestly can save you from the innumerable future internal conflicts and one such difficult situation of truth is a far better choice than countless dishonest situations.

Keeping this piece short and skipping to the end hereby concluding, I know I kept this blogpiece so general and so light, but my objective here was not to lecture you all about how great it is to speak truth and be honest and how great are its benefits, what I wanted was to stir this thought of being truthful and honest and start judging yourself from this point of view as well, as I felt that maybe our busy schedules nowadays are not allowing us to give time to ourselves for us to see our self-reflections much often.

So with this, I’ll take your leave. Adios. 

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