Photo by August de Richelieu: pexels

Does it bother you when you have to work more than others but receive little to no credits for that extra work? How does it feel to work for someone unconditionally but get nothing in return? Does it hurt to know that your unconditional love is generally taken for granted?

Well, if you think a little more you can guess what and to whom I am about to talk. 

I am referring to the females in our families; our mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, daughters-in-law and so many other important roles played by these lovely women in our lives. 

Have you ever wondered who prepared your breakfast even before you woke up in the morning? Well, in most of the cases, it must be some female from your family. Who did your laundry? Who prepared the meals for you? Who cleaned your room? Who did all the household chores, from huge to trivial ones, without you even noticing? Well, again, in most of the cases must be some female from your family.

That is what I want to talk about. Our society has made us believe that all the household chores should be handled by women while men should work as the bread-earners of the family for several ages. In the earlier times, this belief could have been practical as women were not that educated or worked outside. But what about the contemporary time? Even today, women are expected to balance both their work and family life, at least in most of the middle-class families. 

Balancing work life with family life is still expected from a woman. What about her choice, her individuality, her own life? A woman takes so many roles for us, sometimes a mother, or maybe a sister, or maybe a daughter, or maybe a wife, but what about her own self ? When she will take care of her dreams, her ambitions, her choices, and her health?

To make my point more clear, let's talk about some situations which you may have seen or maybe faced already. 

First, a woman who is working as well as handling the whole family, most of the time, is never given any credit. Here, I am not talking about the quantitative or monetary credits, I am referring to the qualitative credits. How many times you have seen any family member saying "Thank You" when they are served with food by our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, or daughters-in-law? Or maybe appreciate their efforts? I believe most of you will answer in either NO or ONCE IN A BLUE MOON. 

Second, a woman who is working and earning well for the family is still not respected the same way her husband is. The reason behind this is the prejudiced thinking of most of us. Why does she need to earn when her husband is also earning? She is a woman, how much she could earn? 

Third, when a girl marries, it is expected from her to become a member of the groom's family immediately while her husband would be treated as a guest in the girl's family even after decades of them marrying. Like, seriously what is this weird discrimination?  If a daughter-in-law does something for her husband or his family, it is her duty and she needs not to be appreciated for that since it was her duty. But when a husband does something for his wife or his wife's family, "OH MY GOD, SHE IS SO LUCKY. HER HUSBAND IS SO CARING." Why the females don't get praised like this often?

There are numerous instances like this. But I am just sharing this much because I don't want to sound like a person who just hates men for no reason. 

There are many wonderful men out there who appreciate the females of their families, take care of them and understand them. There are many amazing fathers, brothers, and husbands in the world as well. In general, there are great families who appreciate the people who do their household work. But my question is directed toward those people or families who just do not know how to appreciate the unconditional love that they are receiving.

And this is not just about men who don't appreciate women. It's about females as well. How many daughters appreciate their mother's efforts for them? 

My question is directed toward all those people who just do not understand the importance of appreciating someone's efforts. If a woman after coming from work, still cooks for you, and does all the household chores for you, it is your duty to support her, appreciate her efforts, and cherish her with all the love and care you can. A woman who puts you and your family before herself should be treasured. 

While concluding my article, I want to add that household work is done by men as well. There are some men who handle every household chore by themselves. But in this article, I particularly wanted to talk about women as I have seen most women not being appreciated for their contribution to the families.

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