Image by lomarog from Pixabay

The man who beat her everyday for 3 years, left one day, without a word.
It didn't make her happy, she bawled her eyes out to her mother while she could barely utter the words "dada...
Her mother coldly said, "he is not your father, he never was, let go".
A couple months went by, she seemed to have forgotten about everything.
When she turned 4, a magic man came home and took her outside, bought her things and made her smile, he came once every month ever since.
She fought the urge to ask him that one question,
She told herself “No, what if he leaves too, don’t do it”.
After a year of withholding she asked him "are you, my father?"
The man’s face changed, he went silent, and she didn't see him again til her grandfather's death.
When grandpa died her mother flung the Jesus portrait outside the door.
The little Hindu girl went running behind the portrait that was almost as big as her.
She picked it up with two hands faced Jesus and cried, "are you, my father?"
Years went by and the atheist had learnt not to ask that question ever again.

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