You can never feel a poem,
By just reading its words
Its the overflow of one's emotions
Or it's the heart that rehearses.
It's ones dream that reverberates,
Or the life story that vibrates.
It's the quick response to a question,
Or the answer that lacks the question.
It's the love letter in rhyme
Or just the resentments in sum.
Its the beauty that recites
Or the pain that frames.
It's the ink of a pen that speaks,
Or the epigraph of a personality.
It's a narration of the thing,
Or the conversation between the letters.
The sole word shapes a line,
The sole sentence creates a quatrain
The sole quatrain structures a poem.
The sole poem features a story.
You can never feel a poem,
By just reading its words.
You can never smell the perfume of poetic beat
By just glancing at the pair of phrases.