Image by TRESOR69 from Pixabay
2020!!!! Can someone please stop everyone talking about this???? Ahhhh!! the most hated year for everyone including me, okay never mind about the introverts who loved staying at homes. What a life, what a year, what can I say about it? We all lived a different kind of life that we never experienced. Yes, it was a very difficult situation to be faced, people who hated sitting at home were literally going crazy, in one word we can call them extroverts. Few people's lives went upside-down, they lost their jobs, no basic income to live, few lost their lives but not only losing their lives but it was a big disaster to the families. I am grateful for living in a country where humanity is still alive in the few which just woke up in this lockdown. From celebrities to common people, everyone who had a livelihood helped the people with no basic nourishment, wasn't it great? Yes, absolutely it was great. We heard about many people just throwing people out of the house if they are covid positive. The media was playing a different role that was to just keep their TRP(Target Rating Point) rates up; they showcased a small thing as a big thing, building fear among the citizens. Okay I wouldn’t love to forget the main thing which became a chaos that is the whatsapp forwards, like I literally still don’t get it people don’t believe the things people say which makes sense, and they just blindly believe the senseless whatsapp forwards. I will surely say that whatsapp forwards were the first thing towards the chaos, then come news channels. Who said the world is gonna end? Aren’t you yet alive? What were those things people said which didn’t make sense, did those senseless things happen? Stop believing those whatsapp forwards, they are gonna keep you in dangerous situations. Well, there are even pros to this. You might be wondering what the pros are, but eventually students and teachers got a brief idea of the technology and how to use it wisely due to online classes. And there was a lot of family time. It is good spending time with family which this lockdown has made us realise. There was less pollution rate. Students got the opportunity to discover various kinds of courses online including free and paid courses. They had plenty of time to learn new things, implement new hobbies which they didn’t have sufficient time to do while going to school. Due to the lockdown the restaurants were shut down and due to this everyone had healthy home food. They go to know about themselves, what to do to take care of themselves. We learned how to be disciplined and hygienic. We got more time for fitness and to focus on health. Work at home is made easy for the employees.
Well, now let’s talk about the cons of the lockdown. As soon as I mentioned “cons of the lockdown” I guess everyone’s mind started popping up with multiple cons. Mainly, the first con that everyone hated according to me was the increase of eyesight due to usage of many electronic devices, not everyone loves spectacles. Am I right? Okay now what are the other cons that popped up in your mind? In government point of view the biggest disadvantage of the lockdown was the Indian stock market getting crashed, foreign trade was banned, crude oil prices rised and so on. The events industry experienced a loss of more than Rs 3000 crores as the hotels and airlines were closed. Students missed their school/ college lives, no proper education for people with no equipment for online classes. Sitting at home made less communication between the outside world, this made few become really bad at communicating. As we see there are equally pros and cons. But why don't we take it in a positive way and just take a look at the pros and be happy and change your perspective towards it. The moment you start changing your perspective you will find more ways to take your life to a higher level and learn to enjoy the moment including the difficult times. Always be ready to tackle each and every situation especially the situation we are facing now. This lockdown has been a self actualisation period for many. Many people have realised what the most important thing in our life is, health it is. And many have faced mental health issues. Most of them seeked out for help and got back stronger. But sadly during the lockdown suicide cases did hike. I sincerely hope and advise all those who live alone or feel isolated or just depressed and feel no excitement in life. Please do seek out help. This period could have been used wisely to know about and work on ourselves rather than chasing for another. In the end, the only person important to us is ourselves. And you must be treated like you treat your most favourite person. Being productive doesn't only mean working or I would like to say breaking your head to earn money. But it is the time you spend on learning and improving yourself and it need not be anything related to career but can be something like doing your hair and skin care whatever empowers you and keeps you moving ahead in your life. I never thought that being positive could actually be dangerous. Just kidding.... I meant testing positive for covid. I'm sure we have never imagined maintaining distance from other people would save us from death. PRETTY WILD HOW WE USED TO EAT CAKE AFTER SOMEONE HAD BLOWN IT. I would challenge any of you to do it right now.