Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV: pexels

Social Media has become an integral part of our lives without us even realizing it, so much so that we can imagine our lives without our so-called ‘near and dear ones’ but not without our mobile phones. It has become all the more easily accessible with the advent of smartphones which are much easier than desktops and laptops to handle.

As kids, we never had access to such technologically advanced equipment, nor was it imaginable. For us, having a phone that could show us the face of the caller was something beyond imagination. The advent of e-mail was nothing short of a miracle for us, as school-going kids. Computer classes were in trend at that time though most of the time was spent in playing games. We created our personal e-mail IDs because if we didn’t and someone asked us, we would feel out of place. Practically, it was hardly of any use to any of us. A few adventurous among us would use the IDs to chat online with people overseas and boast of the same back in the hostel room. 

Gradually, we moved on from almost dormant e-mail IDs to socially active platforms like ‘Orkut’ and ‘Linkedin’. As teenagers, we would spend a lot of time chatting with friends in ‘Orkut’, the only disadvantage being that we would have to either go to a nearby cyber café or sit on a chair and use a desktop as laptops weren’t very prominent then. And then ‘Facebook’ started taking up a major portion of our lives. Along came ‘YouTube’ and the likes of it.

The contents were so interesting that we got engulfed in it. We are a generation addicted to our smartphones that remain glued to the ‘YouTube’ or ‘Facebook’ videos as long as we stay awake. First thing in the morning, as soon as we wake up, is to scroll down the newsfeed on ‘Facebook’ check ‘WhatsApp’ messages or run a few ‘YouTube’ videos. Even when we are among people, we would rather fix our gaze on our mobile screens than speak to those around us. And not just that, even at the dining table, we would keep the mobile phones nearby and listen to documentaries if not watch those intently. Our concentration would never be on the food that we are eating and we couldn’t care less whether the whole family is eating together or not. Even as we call it a day and get ready for bed, we would hold on to our activities on these social media platforms without acknowledging that we have had more than enough screen time the whole day long, staring into our desktops the entire time in office and using gadgets even when it is time to sleep only disrupts our sleeping regime.

Even infants and toddlers are so accustomed to using mobile phones that they grow up to be more tech-savvy than grownups and refuse to eat anything without the mobile being placed at their disposal to watch shows of their choice. Gadgets and social media are replacing partners/ spouses in relationships/ married lives and siblings/ friends in everyone’s personal lives. There are no bedtime stories now, just cartoons playing on the mobile screens and nothing labeled as personal in one’s life. Everything is being publicized on social media as people do not have the time or do not feel the need to talk to each other in case any issue arises. People meet out for a meal but would not start eating unless pictures are taken and posted on their social media handles. Families or friends would meet for an outing but most of the time would be spent in taking pictures or making videos and uploading those. So, the time meant to be spent together is actually spent informing the world where you are, with whom, why, and for how long. This does not interest anyone, for sure but gives us the feeling of being self-important. 

It is, no doubt, wrong to blame the social media for everything that we as humans are responsible for doing wrong because it has brought people together after long years of separation. We are back in touch with our long-lost school friends, college friends, neighbors, and anyone whose name we remember but nothing else apart from it. And believe it when I say that it has been a blessing for many though a lot many of us have turned it into a curse. I have actually seen those of my parent’s generation getting in touch with their childhood friends, arranging get-togethers, and having a gala time. It is very satisfying to see them having some time exclusively for themselves and enjoying it. They have had their share of responsibilities – be it personal or professional and now, they are being able to spend some time for themselves, having retired from their jobs and their children having grown up and moved away from their homes for their studies or jobs. 

Social media shares a lot of relevant information as well but we should be careful so as not to encourage rumors, on the other hand. It can help students to keep themselves updated with news from around the world and on the other hand, it can clog one’s brain with useless stuff being passed on without any base or any sort of verification being carried out.

The bad habits or the misuses that we have developed over the years cannot be undone in a matter of hours or days, as a matter of fact, but since we now know the uses and misuses of it, we can definitely be careful so as not to upset our lives with it but to use it to the best of our suitability and requirement.  

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