Photo by Duangphorn Wiriya on Unsplash
“Do they know that they’re hypocrites or are they completely unaware of that?”
“Deep down they know. Instead of kali, we should name it the age of hypocrisy.”
“Nah! it’s okay bro. I don’t need the job anymore. I take most of the loads the whole year and when it’s time for my appraisal, every time you find a silly reason to stop it. You know what’s funny? The ones who claim that they’re the most responsible and don’t care about any promotions, are the ones who grovel you the most.” Everyday I get these peculiar types of conversations in the bus. Also, isn’t this culture too obvious in every sector of India? Today I saw a meme, ‘Things to do in India- 1. Leave.’ Sometimes I think what’s the difference between being a selfish and a hypocrite. Like what I show the world in the social media is not what I am actually. That’s hypocrisy. Also, I want to build a better image by posting the stuff I post, which is I guess is being nothing but selfish for myself. I imagine if I’m the Konstantin from Chekhov’s The Seagull. Initially we are all like him until we reach a certain stage of life, we’re unable to figure it out if we have really made it or not. From a perspective, we all are failures because we adjust or justify our successes according to our merits or maybe that’s not what failure is, maybe it is maturity. And it is failure which makes us more mature.
Oh! My stoppage is here almost. I have got just few minutes. I don’t like it. I have always liked the journey. And, I hate it when someone accompanies me in the bus. With Mohiner Ghoraguli in my head, I can keep travelling all day long. Why do we have to reach our destinations anyway? Isn’t it scary? Like what’s after it? But also, what’s this romanticization of loneliness? I mean, I live in a Third World country where nothing is going alright. Am I allowed to have these absurdist thoughts? But again, this is very true that something is very wrong with us, the Bengalis. We are still making romantic commercial films. You cannot just show a love story at this point of time. In a nation where riots are still a common thing, you cannot make a film on the problems of a live-in relationship and this is not even ironical, this is just funny. I guess this is how the capitalists want us to be, dull and stupid. It’s only their strategy. Sometimes I think if a man who works in a nine-to-five corporate company and when he comes back home, is it possible for him to have the patience or enthusiasm to watch a Godard or Polanski film? I don’t think so. He’ll prefer a film with proper action, entertainment, and item songs. Everything is well planned. Make the people stupid as much as you like and conduct the world as the way you want. The ministers are mere pawns, the capitalists are the rulers.
Well, what can I do? Now I’ll take an auto, go to my place and have a sound sleep to escape from the reality. What you will do it’s up to you. You can be a hypocrite just like me. Trust me, it is very simple and easy.