Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

One word, one second, one signature, and one brutal cut. It takes just one second to fall in love and imagine a bright future, but it can also take just one second to see someone break and hear something break so hard that it sinks deep down and there's no going back. But the question is, how long does it take to rebuild what was broken? Days, months, years, possibly even decades or centuries. However, will we be there until then? To clear all the misunderstandings or damage that has been done? Maybe our expectations are what's at fault.

The phrase "A pen is mightier than a sword" also is just like that, It indicates to us how not everything can not be sorted with the use of violence. Edward Bulwer Lytton indited it in 1839. This thought is quite beautiful if we contemplate it. Lovely thought it is if we think about it. We, humans, tend to be in such a blind spot when our anger wraps us in such a thick blanket of revenge and hatred that we forget everything. Our reason, our purpose, our humanity. We become as dark as the moonless nights. What will happen if we think straight? What will happen if we think straight and not be so selfish? What if the current definition of humanity is redefined to be kindness and happiness? What if the world was filled with love and compassion and not violence?

There are many situations where conflicts can be resolved with just two simple things: understanding and patience. Yet, we often choose the hardest option of all - violence. To many people, a pen is not just a writing tool, but also a vessel for expressing their emotions and thoughts. It represents tenderness, empathy, consideration, and so much more. On the other hand, a sword is not just a means of showing physical strength and military power but also symbolizes vengeance, selfishness, and harshness. Violence is never a great way to express oneself, and history serves as evidence of this. So many lives have been lost in the quest for conquering lands and ruling people. Yet, all of this could have been resolved with just one thing - a pen, a signature. All the wars that have happened and are still happening could be solved with mutual understanding. We all know this, but for some reason, we still choose violence, even though it never leads to a positive outcome. Looks like there won't be any positive impact after all.

In the modern era, swords are no longer necessary to destroy lives. A pen can be just as powerful in the wrong hands. Divorce papers, hurtful words written on paper, and unjustified justifications in court are all examples of how a pen can be used as a weapon. How great it would be to see a war-free world. Remember that a pen can be a force for good and evil as well. Nothing can be done until humans embrace softness, generosity, and faith, instead of harshness, selfishness, and misunderstanding. It was instilled in us that there is only positivity and no negativity, but maybe that's not entirely true. But it is ok, Right? There will be no pain or disappointment. Everyone will be happy and no one will take their life because they feel like they don't fit in. When the pen is in the right hands, what happens? There is clarity and understanding, imagination is shared, emotions are exchanged, and knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next. Then wars can also be solved, alliances can be formed. Then there will be no 195 different countries There will be one united diverse country.  

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