Photo by Taylor Smith on Unsplash

Art - Not only a word but a feeling to describe our inner feelings. It's the beauty in which our soul lies. When you come across something like a flower, insect, bird anything you capture on your phone that's the art of photography. Where you capture the beautiful memories of life. Art is that thing which makes you calm, it makes you happy and your mood gets reflected in it. Each and everything you do in your daily life is art. For me, painting, trying new things, poetry, and photography are art which gives me happiness.

The way you do things and how you do them is the most important. Feelings coming from our inner voice is the greatest blessing to do any task. Every step when we do has a meaning and is a form of art. Is it that beauty which surrounds us with pleasure? As an example we see many roadside kids risking their life and selling the stuff they made. Even we see a hidden art, a talent which surprises us and that is children balancing on the sticks with long sticks in their hands. Even this is a talent, an art when we see we get surprised by looking at how they perform but we don't know their efforts, that courage. They have more confidence level than us, Confidence on their feet, confidence on that rope, sticks. That confidence came from practicing this art. Art is the most precious thing we can ever have, as it can be perceived as a hobby and even as a career. This art gives us love, respect, and happiness not only to us but to each and every person who enjoys our art. You can spread your talent all over the world just by the platforms of social media, by painting a beautiful poster on Helping animals or any topic that would be a lot to make people loving kind, and caring towards animals.

When we make the world happy with something, our mind gets the satisfaction that yes we did something for this world. Your art can become a dedication for someone. Qualities like kindness, and loving nature are the most precious. Being kind, and doing selfless work for the poor, not only the poor but for everyone is the greatest art. That is the beautiful feeling and the most blissful success goal of life. Every step you take for making something for someone needs pure dedication. And that efforts are shown in whatever you do. Whether people praise you or not, Whether they love it or not, get satisfied that you tried. Get satisfied that you learned something new. Happiness is the art which blossoms your face and smiles that talent which suits on your face.

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