Yoga has many qualities, so all people of the world should wake up to this. We should all support each other for physical and mental development, it is the first big step in this direction, that yoga is now being practiced by people's doing it more and more. Yoga is not a religion, rather it is the science of well-being & a science of integrating the human body, mind, and soul. However, where yoga practice has done by sitting, the more positivity increases at that place & these energies are very beneficial.

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Let's know about Yoga & Why it's necessary?

All asanas and pranayama have special importance in yoga science, but, it is only appropriate to do it after learning in one's company. Disorders can arise due to wrong posture or pranayama. Yoga makes the all-round development of a person. Improving personality along with human physical efficiency development, mental (mana ) & mentality also improves.

10 healthful benefits of yoga for the human body-

Yoga is the scientific technique & lifestyle of integrating the body, mind, and soul of humans. Entirely, mental strength development of the human being.

1. Fitness:

Physical fitness comes from yoga, but, you get maximum mental peace. This keeps the mind calm and reduces stress. It also controls all the activities of the body. All the expressions of human life are controlled by yoga like sorrow, love & happiness.

2. The body remains healthy:

Yoga keeps the blood flow of the body under control, resulting in agility in the human body, which removes harmful toxins, removes body disorders, and provides relief to the patients. At the same time a sense of positivity flows, Which keeps the body healthy.

3. Weight loss:

The most effective form of yoga is Surya Namaskar, which brings flexibility to the body. Circulation of Blood good, relaxation in stiffness, stiffness of the body. Weight is controlled by yoga. Those whose weight is less can increase & those who are more can do it less.

4. Feeling of anxiety is reduced:

Yoga keeps the mind focused, brings a sense of coolness,  and ends disorders like anxiety. Yoga reduces anger, it keeps blood pressure under control and thereby maintains physical and mental strength.

5. Mental piece:

Yoga keeps the mind calm. The mind is fixed Positive thoughts. A positive attitude changes the outlook of human life. Humans do not see anything wrong with any object, another person, or animal. There is no enmity in mind for anyone. In this way, yoga causes the mental development of human beings.

6. Morale increases:

Yoga increases the confidence in man, and confidence comes. You get success in every area of life. Humans are capable of fighting in every situation. Also takes the challenges to life with enthusiasm.

7. Resistance power increases:

Metabolism improves metabolic activity and balances respiratory function, which increases the ability of humans to fight diseases. To fight the biggest disease, power is communicated. There are remedies for diseases in yoga and meditation.

8. Increases enthusiasm for life:

You can also call it as yoga magic, regular yoga increases the enthusiasm for life. Self-confidence increases, positive feeling comes, as well as self-confidence also increases, which increases enthusiasm for life.

9. Energy increases:

A man performs many activities every day and gets tired at the end of the day. But if he does regular yoga, then there is energy in it. There is no sense of tiredness or sadness toward day-to-day work. All the human organs get enough energy to do their function, because of with yoga there is a true digestion of food which increases the daily energy.

10. Human body becomes flexible:

Yoga ends body stiffness. The amount of fat in the body is low, which brings flexibility. Due to flexible hydro, there is no unnecessary pain in the body. Its texture gradually gets cured by doing yoga daily.

Types of Yoga- asanas (postures)

There are many such postures, which you should learn and do daily. Asan leaned and thin is beneficial to all people. While doing the special posture, a person should do asanas according to his ability. Everyone's body flexibility is different & he should do the asanas accordingly. However, Sudarshan Kriya is also popular nowadays. Doing Surya Namaskar and meditation in the posture. If you make both these disciplines an integral part of your daily routine life, then you will have countless benefits & you will get rid of diseases. It is not necessary to spend more time on yoga, just 30 minutes a day, it will be beneficial to you.

Therefore, yoga is a science of living physically fit, a science of youthfulness living mentally peace & fitted. Some of the asanas with its name and action along with protocols.

Posture & Process

  1. Palm tree: Standing straight in this pose, slowly put all your weight on the paws and lift the heel. This situation is pleasing and in this situation, standing for a while, it is called holding it.
  2. Padahastasan: Standing straight, bending forward, and without touching the knees, touching the thumb of feet. After this, try to touch the head on the knees.
  3. Headstand: In this, Standing on the head. In this pose, all body weight should have on the head and must do with the practice.
  4.  Trikonasana: In this, someplace is made between standing and standing upright, bending down to the waist, as well as without bending the knee, touching the toe of the inverted leg with the straight hand and touch the square toe with the inverted hand.
  5. Vajrasana: By turning both your legs, keeping the spine straight, keep hands on your knees.
  6. Shalabhasan: It is carried on the stomach & the hands & legs are opened directly in the air.
  7. Dhanurasan: In this pose, the legs are caught with the hands lying on the stomach. The shape of a bow is formed
  8. Chaturgandandasana: By lying in reverse, the balance of the body is made on the fingers and toes of your hands.
  9. Bhujagasana: In this, the stomach, thigh, knees, and toes of the feet are all on the ground and the front part of the body is raised upwards on the strength of the hands. In this position, the elbow of the hand is slightly bent.

However, yoga is just as healthy, for human life as a tablet for a BP patient, Like, medicine for mental treatment. It is the healthful prevention of any disease. Getting diseased, then running here and there to spend a lot on treatment. So, it is better to spend some time for yoga today and there is no cost nor loss at all. Therefore, there are only benefits of yoga, which all the people of the world have accepted, therefore nowadays, International Yoga Day is being celebrated worldwide, on June 21. Yoga is not only necessary for obese or diseased people. In view of the increasing number of diseases in the world, these are very good decisions that have been taken on a global level accepting the importance of yoga in human life... Yoga - A science of living healthier for a long-long time.

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