Photo by Daniil Onischenko on Unsplash
To feel is a human tendency that we universally cannot escape. Whether it be Good-bad, sad-happy, disappointed-proud. The contrast abstracts hold an immense amount of power to overwhelm one beyond the humane limits. There's a popularly heard controversy about whether emotions are a boon or bane, but ever wondered what are we without emotions? It is what makes us, us!
We humans often fail at coping with our emotions. Especially when it comes to failure, it's the one least welcomed. Neither appreciated nor considered in the journey of life. It's assumed next to an ultimate end, whereas it's a sign of a new beginning. A start with a new willingness and jury.
Out of a million emotions we feel one that stands out from all is to wish, to hope, to desire. The idea of being better than ourselves and everyone out there is so exciting, that in the race of being a better version, we fail at being our self in the very first place. And all we're left with is a question which wonders "How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?"
We usually end up disappointing our younger selves unknowingly. By not scoring a certain grade, by not winning a particular competition, by not grabbing a precise job or degree. By not taking a stand for ourselves, by crying during a fight, by not loving ourselves enough and so much more that we are even ashamed to pen down.
Whatever is in the past couldn't be changed we know it all too well yet the fact that it embarks a massive influence on our future doesn't sit well with our present. As a result, we degrade and curse ourselves, the turmoil is vented out in distinct awful parameters. But is there any actual answer? Well, every question has an answer it's for it to know and us to find. Now that's the kick of life, isn't it?
After a sure time in life, we're very well acquainted with how not everything is meant for us. We might attain it if we wish wholeheartedly which is only possible if our fate allows. Another theory of going against fate displays a dual nature. What if the thing we're recklessly behind is the one in our destiny? If we didn't get it then maybe either we weren't enough or simply it wasn't for us. Life has an abundance of opportunities to stand at the top and beige the flag of our triumph, all it asks for is that we stay firm and rigid.
Victory is an enchanting phase but how do we phase the opposite? It couldn't be avoided after all. Failure is a part of us. It comes to us and we aren't complete without our failures. They might be unwanted situation but surely a worthwhile occurrence that teaches us a lot. But it's all the basic knowledge. Deep down away from the diplomatic world where it's me vs me how do we persuade our actions? "How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?"
The art of forgiving is comprehensive it screams serenity and peace. It depends on the situation whether it is to be granted or not. It could not be granted forever or maybe provided in seconds. But what if the person seeking forgiveness is us ourselves? Will you forgive yourself for that thing that you just got reminded of without even specifying? Will you forgive yourself for something you couldn't achieve for something you couldn't be?
Of course you can try in the future but what about the hope crushed in the past, those tears and turmoils and efforts and whatnot. Well, they couldn't be brought back. No doubt the best healer namely time will eventually make us so well acquainted with the excruciating emotion that we name it as healing. We do forget things with time wounds get filled up but scars? Their marks are left behind as souvenirs.
One thing or another will end up remaining us the fault in our stars. But the question is how do we move on? Is forgiving and forgetting a reality? Do we need to forget something for forgiving it? No, we don't. Mistakes are meant to teach us they are supposed to be carried along until we embrace ourselves in the reality of death.
Forgiving doesn't mean letting go or holding on it implies the idea of consuming the grief like water and turn into a beautiful flower. Whose fragrance will sniff victory? Whose petals will be satisfied? Whose roots will be firm to ground just like our faith? And it'll feed millions of insects with the nectar of hope and joy.
Forgiveness is accepting the truth. Understanding the reality. Analyzing the facts. And in the end, embracing the conclusion with open arms. Hence, let's take s minute and forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become. Let's just let go of our grudges towards ourselves. And loving ourselves a little harder.
In the end, we can let go of the distinct ways things could've gone. Not just because they're in the past now; but because the thing which wasn't even worth of being our present why shall it be blessed to be mentioned in our future.