Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Growing up in a particular place, circumstance, and environment does define who you are today and how you look at the world. Being a child, you don't know what's right or what's wrong, so you tend to believe that what is happening around you is right and that life is meant to be this way. Whereas it's not. Children bought up by a single parent may think love doesn't exist. Children with no parents may think that this is life, people leave you even if you don't want them to. Few people have seen the worst of days early in their lives so it's totally okay if they don't want any external support to help them.

There may be days when you hate yourself and there may be days when you don't feel like living anymore. But, i hope you hold on because you're just one step away from the light. Enjoy your every moment because you may laugh and smile at it when you grow up. Read books, gain knowledge about all the things you need to know. About menstruation, sex education, and every taboo topic. You need to have knowledge about it because in this world these things are not given the importance they should be. Learn new things, come up with new ideas, and gain a lot of knowledge.

Growing up is accepting that what you went through and saw in an early stage of your life can be incorrect. There is a completely other side of life that you've not seen, you have not lived. Accept the changes, external as well as internal. Remember that life is not what it has been since childhood, it is meant to change and it will change. Be ready for all the changes, be ready to go through whatever comes your way, and most importantly be ready to accept and love yourself and stay strong in the situations around you. That's all that matters! I'm sure you will walk through this and shine even brighter and accept that change is the most necessary element in your life.

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