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Every child and all students are special. They are gifted by some or the other talents, which is our duty to notice the talents and special unique qualities of children and encourage them to follow their passion. So, there are children who are good in sports, and artistic activities such as drawing, painting, sketching, singing, dancing, acting, etc. Some are good in studies, some are good in particular subjects in terms of academic performance. Therefore, there are n number of talents, unique qualities, and expertise that can be observed in children. Though the children are having unique talents of their own some of these children lag behind in studies or academically, and they find difficulty in Reading, Writing, and Learning. But, on the other side, they are also gifted with some other talents and it is the job of parents and teachers to talk to them, observe them and bring out the best qualities in them.

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So, does it mean that it's okay if these children have learning issues? Is it ok to unnoticed their learning difficulty? The answer is No. The children should be also good at studies, they should have knowledge about the world, nation, society and the surrounding nature which is very much needed to survive. Hence, education is also necessary for their life. Education is necessary for each and every child as they are the future of the nation. But, if they have to learn disability problems such as being unable to read, unable to write properly, or learn the concept, then how they will be able to educate themselves, how they will imbibe the knowledge which is of utmost importance in life?

Here is the learning difficulty faced by the students:

Writing: There are children who are not able to write English, Hindi, or any regional language alphabets or Numbers properly, not in the correct proper readable manner. If we observe their Handwriting it will feel as if it is just scribbling with some lines and curves anything which is not forming the letters. It is because the children still don’t know how to write the alphabet and form the words and sentences because they don’t know how to start writing each alphabet and how to end each alphabet in the word. This type of learning problem is even observed in some of the students of 4th and 5th-grade students also.

  • Reading: There are students who can write properly, and there are also students whose handwriting is exceptionally beautiful. But some of these students face difficulty in reading, they cannot read even a single word. This is because they don’t know the sound of each alphabet or they are not able to join the sounds of each alphabet and read a word. They also face difficulty in memorizing the spelling. This learning problem is observed in some of the students from 2nd - 10th std student also. This is again a terrible situation for the students to study as it becomes more challenging for them and they repel themselves from studying.
  • Learning: There are children who face problems in understanding and memorizing or paying attention to their studies. This can be due to several reasons such as reading or writing problems, attention deficit, inability to understand or learn the concept, emotional problems, problems in the family, lack of interest in studies, unawareness of the importance of education, more engage in other activities such as playing games, etc. and neglecting the studies.

The solution to overcome the learning disability problem is as follows:

  1. Notice the problem: There are different types of students and all are unique in their own way. Some are intelligent and perform excellent or well in studies, and some are average and below average but at least know to read, write and learn but the are some students who face these writing or reading or learning problems. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to notice these problems and draw our attention to such students also. Schools should also take this issue seriously and take initiatives for these students to overcome this challenge. But sadly, most of the time these kinds of student problems are being ignored, and no action is taken to correct the issue. They are left behind as they are. Which should not be ignored, in fact, there is a need to pay attention.
  2. Stop Scolding: These Students usually get scolded for not performing well in their studies, which at some point in time is essential but scolding is not only the solution. There is a need for understanding where is the problem, and what is the reason for the problem. This can be achieved by talking to them, trying to understand the reason behind this shortcoming, and coming up with a solution to solve for the betterment of children's education.
  3. Give Extra Classes: Once you noticed the learning difficulty problems of children, try to solve them by giving extra effort. For students who face difficulty in any one of the reading, writing, and learning problems, we can teach them by giving extra classes to them after school hours. One hour at least we can invest every day after school to fix their learning issue. At home also parents should look after their studies and help them to overcome these problems by making them practice.

Techniques to solve these learning difficulty issues in extra classes:

  • For Writing: Even if the child is in 4th or 5th std. it is nothing to shame to start by teaching them to write the alphabet and also how to start writing each letter of the alphabet and how to end that alphabet. You start by using four-line copy write books of alphabets and make them write by joining the dots and forming a letter. Then begin with the two letters words then three letters words then four letters and so on you can also teach them how to write the combination of different alphabets into words. After that, you can teach how to put down this combination of words into sentences by giving appropriate gaps after each word. Along with writing you can also teach them to read the words and sentences and it will also help them to remember the spellings of different words.
  • Reading: It’s never too late to learn or teach reading. For reading start with teaching Phonics, the sound of different alphabets, and make them try to read by making a combination of the different letters sound into a word and let them know the meanings of each word. Also, teach the sight words. As they now know reading the words automatically, they will also remember the spellings of every word. Hence, now learning the concept is easier for them and they can perform better academically.
  • Learning: if the student is good in reading and writing but only facing difficulty in learning. Then there is a need to do a conversation with them ask them their doubts and try to clear them by teaching with some other methods. There are many reasons a student is not able to learn sometimes due to lack of concentration and focus, or lack of interest, for this try teaching by playing some games, keeping a positive approach, giving some real-life relevant examples, making students enact and play the role, teach in their vernacular language, clear the basics, etc. can be done to overcome the problem.
  • Take an academic break: If a child or any student is weak in all the 3 of the learning issues. Then there is a need to take an academic break of 1 year. The teachers and parents should only focus on the child’s basic studies development such as writing, reading, basic English grammar, basic math, and learning the basic concept in science and social science of previous years' grades.
  • Learn at your own pace: This is for children; don’t think you are lagging behind you are just learning at your own pace. Whatever grade level you realize that you are facing difficulty in your studies at that point itself decide to solve it, correct it, learn it, and invest your time with full dedication and responsibility to make yourself flawless academically and walk shoulder to shoulder with your other classmates later. For teachers and parents, you too don’t lose your patience and teach the child to develop and grow in studies and perform better academically in the future.
  • Studies from the primary level play a crucial role: Writing and reading and learning basic concepts, children only learn in primary class. So, it is very important to grab the student's attention towards studies from the primary section. Parents and teachers should encourage the child, to look after their studies and make regular discipline studies habits for the child since childhood.
  • Appoint a new teacher for teaching basics: For the different subject teachers sometimes, it can become impossible to teach the regular curriculum and then again switch to basic for those students in extra classes. Because these teachers have a lot of work other than teaching in school such as maintaining a student’s attendance and performance record, note correction, lesson plans, different events organization, etc. So, a new teacher can be appointed for extra classes or the students who have taken academic breaks only. Therefore, this teacher will be able to perform better and can invest energy efficiently in making students learn and overcome.
  • Stop making Cursive writing compulsion: Many children with the aim of writing cursive handwriting, end up in scribbling handwriting, the writing is not readable and difficult to understand. Instead, ask students to write simple print handwriting and also teach cursive but don’t make compulsion give the choice to students to write in their own comfort, at least the writing should be easy to understand and read.
  • Communication is key: Sometimes the student is not able to perform well academically due to various mental or emotional trauma or they are underconfident or hesitates to ask the doubts in such cases these cases sometimes parents and teachers have to become their friend and communicate with their heart-to-heart, understand their emotional status, try to give solution and advice, encourage them to overcome from the situation or if needed provide Expert help.
  • Encourage their true potential: Every child is gifted with some or other special qualities. Therefore, studies also encourage them to follow their interest and passion, in the things they are good at and excel in that field.

So, we all have watched “Taare Zameen Par” movie in that it is shown that Every child is Special. And there was a teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh Sir how who helps the child Ishaan Awasthi to overcome his learning difficulties problems. Why not the qualities of Nikumbh Sir we all teachers should inculcate in us and create the best in every child. As a teacher, we all have feelings to do our best for the children. So, let’s take the initiative and GO AHEAD!!!! Make the country’s future bright and smiling.

Happy teaching, Happy learning!

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