Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Earth is our familiar place. But this is not the earth where there was terror of dinosaurs. Is this the Earth where Russia has won the race to reach the Moon or the Earth where we will be destroyed in the blink of an eye? An Earth hidden in a higher dimension inside a black hole on the brightest star. Now ground breaking science has started saying that perhaps there is another version of the truth. Is there really a parallel universe? Space time and life itself. We will know the secrets of the universe through the wormhole. Do you have many other versions? Are there more versions of me? My second version may seem identical. But he is not. Our fate could have been completely different. One of us may also be the descendent of the other. It is possible that when we meet, both of us will separate and become energy. 

It is possible that we are living more than one life, because as scientists are getting deeper into physics and the universe, they are also beginning to believe that parallel universes are real. It may be through them that a person's fate can be decided. I had a crush on this girl when I was in A grade school. It never came out of my mind. But I used to express all this in a very humorous manner. But my mind always said that I wish I was completely different. Full of confidence and charm. I wanted to find that Morgan. Wherever he is. MIT cosmetologist Max Mark believes that there is indeed another version of me or all of us. He says that those forms of us live beyond the universe that we know. Our most important theory about what the universe is made of says that it is not only big but also human and is continuously expanding in every direction. Max believes that this is a matter of statistics. But strange events can happen in this universe too. Now suppose I take three stones here. A pattern of orange, white and black stones is being formed from these. Look, here too there are orange, white and black stones. If I take a larger pattern here, I will have more trouble finding another similar pattern. But this is repeating. The earth is also a big pile of stones. Like our body is a huge pile of atoms. The way those atoms are arranged in space determines who and what we are. The larger the pattern, the farther we will have to go to find repeats. When I say that the patterns of atoms repeat, I mean every pattern, including the pattern of atoms from which I became Max Mark. If I go far searching, I will find my copy, which will not only look like me but it will also feel like me. Max estimated that after going how many light years away, he would get the pattern of the atom from which it was made. The number of those writers is very large. I saw that to reach that number I had to invest crores of rupees every day. This number is certainly quite big. But looking at the size of our space, it seems that it is about the backyard of our house. But an explorer can muster the courage to undertake such a long journey to meet his comic clone only on one condition. 

In the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble observed that our universe is not stable in one place. Wherever he looked, it seemed that the universe was moving away from us. The farther they looked, the faster the speed of growth of those galaxies appeared. Hubble said that this could happen only when the entire universe is expanding. If we assume that this concrete lab is a distant galaxy and is stable, then I can send messages to it. 

I can send intergalactic email at the speed of light and if we wait we will get there, because the universe is constantly expanding, so to make it more realistic we have to make it work. This distant galaxy is actually moving away from me. The more we try to move away from ourselves, the faster the space between here and here increases. There comes a time when it starts growing at the speed of light. This means that we can neither reach there nor see anything beyond it. The biggest obstacle for me is Cosmic Horizon itself, which is not allowing me to get access to my copy or that of my friends. How much fun it would have been if they had met. But there is one place where we can see the parallel world. Not in the depths of our universe, but in the micro cosmos. Right under your nose, where nothing is solid. Frank Taylor is studying the unique rules of quantum mechanics. It is by these rules that all the atomic particles of which we are made operate. To every truth. 

Quantum mechanics has described and the central equation of quantum mechanics is the equation. When Srinagar created the equation of his name, he told the truth that we know. He proved that subatomic particles can be in many places at the same time. It is also said that there is more than one particle at the same place at the same time. All this atomic world remains hidden in the fog of probability until someone sees it at the time when probability meets reality. Frank believes that this quantum fuginance is not just in the microscopic domain, but this is the way everything works. People say that whatever quantum mechanics says about the universe is pure nonsense. But anyone who looks at the string equation believes that it applies to everything. Not just on atoms, but also on buildings, the glass in them and the entire universe. If Frank is right then everything is schizophrenic when no one is watching. It keeps shifting in her many forms continuously. Under this steel lid is every dish that Frank can order. But it is only when Frank looks at it after removing the lid that he realizes what the truth actually is. What is the matter. Mr? But why only this dish and not any other? Most scientists believe that because of Frank's observation, Nature had to take a sudden decision. Every possible reality changed in the blink of an eye. But Frank admits that his guess is not correct. He came to the conclusion that when we take a measurement, there are many possible universes that lead to the real universe. But this is not true from the mathematics of quantum mechanics. 

Frank believes that every possible outcome becomes a reality in his parallel universe. In this universe Frank is eating oysters but in some other universe he might be eating kebabs and in some third he might be eating Chambal. We knew from the beginning that there are actually many universes, but physicists do not believe in their own equations. If Frank is right, then the space you live in will be a sea of identical copies of you. If something happens to you, the exact opposite can happen to one of your hidden twins. But they cannot remain hidden for long. There is a small thing placed on this silicon chip that can be true at two places at the same time. For the first time this scientist has seen a glimpse of a parallel universe. The alternate reality universe is not necessarily many light years away. She may even be right in front of us. If the strange laws of quantum mechanics are correct, then I too am a collection of countesses and he is in constant struggle. We are not even aware of this fight going on inside. At any particular moment, we have only one truth, the rest are not visible to us at all. Or it is not so. Physicist Frank Taylor believes that quantum mechanics is correct that our counter versions exist in parallel universes. 

Like many of us, he also dreams of an alter ego. “Let us once again take a tour of the universe. We are joined by Frank Astro Physicist and Cosmic Adventurer. This week Frank discovers a portal to a parallel universe.” Frank Taylor believes that our universe is also like this cartoon, which we accept as true. Viewed from the front, the cartoon appears to be a single object. But that is also made of sales. We can use a transparency to represent a universe. But the truth is that there are many universes super-posted on each other. An invisible thing can be in many places at the same time. According to Frank, each of them becomes true in his own parallel universe. Whenever we take their measurements, each Frank's image gives a specific result. An object can only be seen from one place in a universe from our perspective, and it seems that because of our observation, all other possibilities are eliminated. But what one sees can also be a deception. We should not see possibilities as just possibilities. Other truths do not disappear just because I hold one in my hand. He is here, he exists. 

If we could see the entire universe at once, we would be able to take measurements of countless versions of Frank Taylor at the same time. Every Frank will see that thing in a slightly different place. These small things get implemented over time which leads to different results in the parallel world. In one universe the asteroid does not fall on Earth and dinosaurs survive. In the second, America loses the race to reach the moon due to the failure of the rocket. But how will we know that that alternate reality is real because it disappears the moment we see it. We may never be able to see the quantum mechanical effects of something being in two places at the same time, because we always matter things. When molecules collide with something, that is also a measurement. When we shine light on something, it is also a measurement and it may be that something is kept on the table. That table is pushing that thing and that too is a measurement. Experimental physicist Andrew Cleveland is probably the first person who saw the first glimpse of a parallel universe. Inside this small square of silicon, Andrew has installed a metal panel which is not even visible. It is made of several thousand crore atoms. Actually this is the Godzilla of the quantum world and he wants to show us that even such a big thing follows the laws of quantum mechanics. We know that the laws of quantum mechanics apply to small things like electrons and atoms. But we have a hard time accepting that they apply to bigger things as well as our everyday things. But to prove that this will also behave like quantum mechanics, they will have to take care that nothing interferes with it. 

It will have to be kept in complete isolation and also very cold. The instrument is a diffusion refrigerator and even if you have 1.5 million dollars, you can install it in your house. This instrument has several temperature stages that can measure from one Kelvin to 500 Kelvin and from five Kelvin to milli Kelvin i.e. about -235 degrees Celsius. We conduct quantum experiments at the same temperature. Inside this Dylan refrigerator, Andrew puts a quantum of energy on a paddle. There is a 50% chance that he will take that energy or not. But they were stunned to see that the pedal also took energy at the same time. And also left it. And he started roaming between these two realities. He was in both those situations when he was not getting any energy and also getting one unit of energy. In that state, i.e. when it was in both these positions, about 600 crore vibrations occur at a time. This ground breaking experiment by Andrew proved that the laws of quantum mechanics apply to everything in our universe, even small particles. Or a huge galaxy. Regardless of their size, objects can be in many places at the same time. I hope that people within the physics community will also accept this. But I don't think that people outside the small community in which I am working will not accept this. This thing was shocking. 

Many different interpretations were made to explain this. One of them is the idea of multiple worlds or parallel universes. But they do not prove anything, because nothing is known from them. That's why we can't even test them. In this sense, people can choose any interpretation as per their wish. If a quantum parallel universe really exists, Andrew's experiment will be the first step towards unraveling its secrets. But there is another parallel world, about which almost every scientist says that it exists. Actually it is made of anti-matter and if we ever see it, it will be a day of disaster for us. There is a very dangerous thing roaming in our universe, which is called antimatter. If even a small drop of it mixes with normal matter, it will cause a bigger explosion than the explosion in Hiroshima. The scariest truth is that the Big Bang probably created equal amounts of antimatter and matter. It can also be said that our universe may also have an anti-matter twin, which can destroy the entire world. But the problem is that the universe containing dangerous antimatter is missing. Zuin is a theoretical physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator in California. She is a detective searching for that missing parallel universe. Where did it go? It is a big mystery for science today that where did that antimatter disappear? 

Every particle has an antiparticle associated with it. Its weight is also the same as that of its parent particle. But its properties are completely opposite. Just as an electron has an electric charge, similarly the anti electron has an electric charge opposite in position. When matter and anti-matter collide with each other, a huge burst of energy is released like a boom. If antimatter and matter were created in equal amounts from the Big Bang, then one of these two things must have happened to it. If any particle of antimatter and matter had collided with each other, they would have been completely destroyed. But it is possible that some antimatter and matter may not have collided yet. Maybe soon they will have an explosive meeting. Joanne wants to find out. She has made Stanford's three kilometer long particle accelerator her weapon, with which she wants to recreate a miniature version of the Big Bang. We have created two beams of particles and collided both of them with enough energy that they create a pair of particles called beams. 

In this experiment called B factoring, Joanne and her team of scientists saw a gust of beam, along with which was their anti-matter, which is called antibeams or beamizons. It started finding the smallest differences between those similar but opposite particles. If you also want to study Mason Mason then you will have to see the difference between the times when he is D's. But they last only for a short time, which makes it very difficult to study them. With the help of these sophisticated instruments, John and his team have discovered a very small difference between Beamesions and anti Beamesions. One of them gets DK more quickly or in a slightly different way than the other. Of these, the anti-B meson decays to DK more rapidly. Even this small difference between matter and antimatter would have had a huge impact on whatever happened after the Big Bang. 

The truth is that it created a completely different universe. Let us assume that a game of checkers is going on between matter and antimatter. Till the last breath. Both players start with equal numbers. With time, vertigo and anti-vertigo eliminate each other. But in the end one player prevails by a very small margin and wins. This is the only one left from a large group formed after the Big Bang and it contains the entire content of the entire universe. The matter we see in today's universe is a very small fraction of two vast oceans of matter and antimatter. If there was not a slight difference between them then perhaps they would have destroyed each other completely. This was the same difference that Joanne and her team had observed between zones Beamesions and anti Beamesions. Since antimatter decays a little faster, we are left with matter today. But this is a very small part of the matter born from the Big Bang. 

Meaning the young man's espionage was successful. Now we should not worry that the dangerous antimatter that can destroy us is hidden somewhere in the dark depths of the universe space. But this story cannot end here, because the results of the B factor can reveal where most of the antimatter went. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about all the missing antimatter in the universe. There is still some part of physics which we will have to explore in the future. Junior Lieut. The killers might make that discovery soon. In May 2011, the Space Shuttle Endeavor delivered a huge particle detector to the International Space Station. 

MS will look for cosmic rays that formed several billion years ago. At the time when matter and antimatter were destroying each other after the Big Bang. If it is a child, then it is possible that through it we can also reach the remains of that model ocean of anti-matter. The antimatter universe isn't the only threat lurking at the edge of our universe. It is possible that we are surrounded by many types of parallel universes and finding out what and where they are is not just a theoretical game, but the future of our entire universe depends on it. Why are we so concerned about whether there is another version of us? We can never meet him face to face. But this alter ego is very important, because it can provide answers to the biggest questions related to our existence. How was this universe born and how will it end? 

Cosmetologist Linde believes she has made a shocking discovery. According to him, the same force that created our universe also created many more parallel universes and one day, due to the same force, everything that we are seeing will be destroyed. He discovered this. Trying to find the answer to a very simple question. The question is, why does the universe look the same wherever we look? This question has been troubling physicists for 100 years. It was believed that a huge, noisy explosion could not have created the smooth and uniform universe that we see today. About bang bang. Physics believes that whatever we see today was made from something as big as a grain of sugar. I think that according to the standard Big Bang theory, at least 10 to 350 tons of high energy explosive would be required for the galaxy to form around us. Billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of tons of matter were created from it. This does not seem believable at all and hence it was necessary to create another story and then the Inflation Theory was created. Inflation is a process you know very well, and it's not just a force that makes the entire universe explode. When he's not decoding the mysteries of the Big Bang, he's infecting smaller parts of our world with his second hobby, photography. This is an amazing camera. 

My family gifted it to me on my birthday when I turned 60. Since that time I have been crazy about it. According to Andre's theory, when the universe was as big as a grain of sugar, it was filled with a lot of energy. Every microscopic part of it was different from the other, like a technical patchwork. There are different colors of different sizes inside this cube. But what happens in inflation is that if we start from a small corner of this sugar cube, it starts appearing to us like a part of the universe. And when we look around us from inside this sugar cube, it seems that everything around us is white. Everything around us is white. Our universe is so beautiful, it is so uniform and we have solved every problem. But perhaps inflation cannot solve all our problems, because once inflation starts, it keeps increasing like Andre's addiction to photography. 

The universe is also increasing day by day. But according to Andre, it is possible that inflation may also come to this expanding universe of ours. He attacks a small part of the universe and expands it to create a new universe. In such a situation, a new bubble will form and it will engulf us and kill us. So will that be our end? If Andre is right then our universe is completely unstable. At any moment, a small part of it will expand to become as big as the universe and everything in it will be destroyed. But despite this, an old colleague of his believes that Andre has misunderstood it. Paul Stein is considered the Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton University. Till now only two scientists have received this title. 

What does this inflation reveal? If we see a possibility countless times then no such theory can say anything about it. Whatever is happening is connected to such a theory. Paul has been working on inflation for many decades and trying to give a new theory. He claims that there is a hidden fourth dimension of space. And beyond that dimension is a parallel universe. We can see our three-dimensional world as a memory-like surface, which is connected to an extra fourth special dimension of space. Now take these two newspapers and see how close they are. Both those brain worlds too. One of us and the other one opposite are also far away from each other by a very small margin. From a distance equal to millionths of an inch. According to Paul's model, our universe exists in a flexible three-dimensional membrane or brain world. The other one may be very close to it but it is a completely different universe and it does not interact with us. But Paul's question is, what if this happens? I and my colleagues began to think that if those two brain worlds do not always remain stable at the same place and are moving towards each other, then one day they might collide with each other. The energy generated by that collision will be converted into matter and radiation from the energy generated by the motion of the brain and when they separate, they will be filled with hot matter and radiation. Just like it happened after the Big Bang. To be honest, we thought it would also be a Big Bang. That would be a collision rather than the Big Bang, the beginning of space and time. Paul believes that that alien universe is barely an atom away from us. It is such a unique world where the laws of physics are completely different. Paul feels that we are beginning to get evidence of this as well. Although we cannot see, touch, or feel the matter of that other brain, we can sense its existence because we can feel its gravity. 

In the last decade, astronomers discovered that every galaxy is surrounded by invisible super-massive sources of gravity. No one knows what these hidden monsters are made of. They call it dark matter. The matter in that other brain world appears to us to be dark matter from our vantage point and does not interact with the light from our site. So is that dark matter the matter of that parallel universe? Paul believes we may find the answer at the bottom of a black hole. These are those huge sinkholes in space where nothing can escape gravity. A lot of matter accumulates in one or the other brain and its gravitational field is so strong that it starts pulling the other brain towards that point. When these two come together at that point then a black hole is formed there. Meaning, they may be separate at some other place but where they join, a black hole is formed. Unraveling the mystery of dark matter is one of the biggest challenges for physics today. Thousands of minds and hundreds of telescopes are engaged in this effort. 

Paul believes that when we find out what that dark matter is, then we will know whether it exists in another universe or not. Will black holes connect us to parallel worlds? This scientist probably has the answer and if his theory is correct then it is possible that we may soon come in contact with a parallel universe. About 400 years ago it was believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe. But then a person from Tron, a village in Poland, changed our thinking. But in the search for our right place in this universe, the great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus did not answer a very important question. It did not tell where the center of the universe is. Now another son from the same village feels that he has the answer to this question. If their guess is correct then we will reach the parallel universe from which our universe was born. Niko Plus has the same revolutionary spirit as his Polish ancestor. 

It is believed that for any new discovery one has to do continuous training and keep a cool mind. After exercising, my body and mind feel refreshed and after that I think about questions related to the universe. Then I become more creative. On the basis of his intense focus, a cosmic master managed to come face to face with a black hole. The inner part of its outer edge is called the event horizon, which even light cannot cross. No one knows what lies beyond that place from where no one can return. The gravity inside a black hole is so strong that it compresses the entire star into a small single point. Physicists call this point of density a singularity. If this is what singularity means, then obviously we are not understanding physics well. I don't like this singularity and I want to see if there is a mechanism that is more simple and natural. Like most scientists who study gravity, Nicole is also a disciple of Albert Einstein. Einstein had said that space and time are woven into a flexible fabric and he called it space time. Kathy and Megan are holding a towel here, which is representing space time. Space time can bend to one side due to the influence of massive objects. I have this ball, which is the sun for me. The sun has a great impact on space-time. 

You can also see how space-time is bent and its bending is affecting the Earth as well. The Earth is also feeling that bending of space-time, that is why it revolves around the Sun. But Einstein believed that simply by bending in this way, matter could not disturb the fabric of space-time. Apart from bending in this way, there is another geometric property of space time, which is called. Albert Einstein and mathematicians believed that matter can twist every fiber of the fabric of space time. The impact of the toren is so light that it cannot even be noticed. When no way was found to test it, Einstein and Cotton stopped working on that theory. But Nicole picked up where she left off. They applied that theory to the extreme gravity inside a black hole, where matter rotates so fast that space-time becomes a cold spring that can be explored at any time. 

This is an ending black hole. The tornadoes in this tube reveal how fast the matter rotates in the event horizon. At very high density it starts showing its effect and becomes a force that opposes gravitational attraction. When the matter moves towards the center of that black hole, then it increases so much that it starts rotating the matter very fast. Matter does not fall at any one place. In fact, the center of the black hole itself starts rotating like a vortex. Matter cannot disappear in this way and it is necessary to conserve energy. In this way, all the matter coming out of the horizon of a black hole goes into a growing white hole which is on its other side and tries to create a new universe. If Nicotine's statement is correct, then when that mass starts going into a black hole, then it moves towards its other edge. In a white hole that is a bubbling fountain of mass and energy in a new parallel universe. But this does not apply only to the black holes of our universe. If we assume that every black hole creates a universe within itself, then obviously our universe is also created in a black hole, which would be the case in some other universe. 

We believe that the Big Bang that created our universe was actually a white hole. It was created by the death of a star in another universe and that universe was our parent. If this is true then these two universes are one cosmic. Must be connected to the umbilical cord, which no one has cut till date. If we are inside a black hole then there must be some connection between our universe and that parent universe. Has this scientist reached the bridge leading to another universe? Do the sudden flashes of energy seen in the night sky say something else? 

Is that a message from the people living in the parallel universe? Black holes are the scariest things in our universe. If something goes inside it, it never comes back. But where does he go? The answer probably lies in another universe. If this is accepted as true, then perhaps black holes are a good means of sending messages in a parallel universe. Or maybe it is possible that people living in other universes have tried to contact us many times. Physicist Nicole Losey believes that our universe lies at the bottom of a black hole in a parallel world. Now they are trying to find out whether the inhabitants of that universe can communicate with us. You can see what happens to matter and energy when they go into a black hole. The gravity inside it is so strong that if someone goes inside it, it separates every atom of that person's body. But this does not mean that something cannot be avoided. 

Are our cosmic parents sending messages to us? Nicole thinks we have some evidence that she sent the messages. For decades, astronomers have been observing tremendous flashes of energy in the sky, which come from the far end of the universe. Gamma rays are simply the brightest bursts. These are the fastest explosions in our universe after the Big Bang. But we have not yet understood the mechanism by which those explosions occur. They actually arrive quite late and may be matter coming into our universe from our parent universe. Is this glow of energy the Morse code of people living in another universe? A message that has been sent from that cosmic wisdom, which is the result of experiences many billions of years before the formation of our universe. The theory of Nim is still quite new and it is a very difficult task to calculate. They may also be wrong. But this discovery of parallel universe is now coming out of the world of fantasy and becoming a serious scientific possibility and he is not alone in this discovery. If we look once at the full multi-point, we will see a completely new picture. Whenever two different events occur, we become aware of one. We mistakenly believe that the second event did not happen, while our second copy appears to be just the opposite. We are now debating things that were once considered science fiction. We have now started thinking about it very seriously and we have full hope that one day we will get answers. Meaning of the universe. Is everything that exists. 

Today we have almost accepted that our universe is not alone but there may be many parallels in it. There can be many parallel you and there can be many parallel earths also. We think that we don't know what our alter ego will be like. Would he be making our biggest dreams come true or not? But we should not forget this. It is said that you are trying to fulfill the dreams of another version of yourself in some other parallel universe.

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