Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay

Hey friends. Every night when I see these countless stars in the sky, I get only one thought that how amazing our universe is and how such a universe was created. Scientists believe that it all started from a point in space, which released all the particles and energy from within itself. In the form of a very big explosion, which we know as Big Bang. But what if I tell you that the beautiful world in which we are living is not real. This earth, our galaxy. This entire universe is not real. So what if we come to know that this world, in which we can do whatever we want, go wherever we want and we feel that we are doing all this of our own free will. But what if in reality it is being made to do so? In fact, today we will raise a question on the reality of the world which we considered to be real till today. In fact, it is just a computer simulation. That is, a computer-made world which has been created by a very advanced civilization and we are just a program written in a computer simulation. In today's article, we will talk about 10 such reasons which force us to think whether this world of ours is real or a computer program.

First of all, we will talk about simulation hypothesis. In the year 2003, a philosopher (Nick Boston) put it in front of everyone, which was named Simulation Argument. Before starting, let us tell you what is simulation. Computer simulation is such a program or computer software in which we can create a world through course which looks absolutely real. At some point in your life, you must have played such video games in which you can do whatever you want, you can kill anyone you want. We call it real world simulation game. In this, we can mold all those rules which are there in a real world. Like gravity or the game character not being able to pass through solid. It looks exactly like the real world, doesn't it? All this has been possible due to very advanced technology. If you have seen a Hollywood movie The Matrix released in China, then you will understand very well how our world can be a computer simulation. If you have not seen this movie, then I would recommend you to watch it. And it is not that only a few people believe in this hyper simulation. The biggest entrepreneur and billionaire of this century, Elon Musk and one of the greatest scientists in history, Stephen Hawking, have also accepted this hyper thesis as correct. Now let us know those 10 reasons which somewhere force us to think whether our world is really a simulation?

Number One, The Multi-Verse. Most of you might be aware of the parallel universe conspiracy. Evidence of its existence has been found many times in quantum mechanics. Many people think that it is true, but for many, the parallel universe theory is a useless theory. If we come to know how space-time works or what is after the third dimension, then we will be able to prove that something like a parallel universe also exists. But according to the simulation theory, the parallel universe is a series of simulations that are running inside each other at the same time. To handle such a huge graphical work, simulations are launched at different times, so that the computer on which this simulation is running does not crash. Therefore, it can happen that in this world of simulation, in one program you are an engineer and in another program you are a businessman.

Number Two, Time Travel Simulation. The civilization that is relating to us on the basis of hyper tele i.e. hypothesis is much more advanced than us, but it can also be in more danger than us. It is possible that that civilization is about to end due to reasons like global warming, asteroid attack or dangerous AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence. If we believe that the human being who is running this simulation, it is possible that we are his own projection. That is, he wants to experience his life in some other form or the earth before that time, i.e. the earth where we are. If it is difficult to live life in the future, then it is possible that the life which they cannot live in that real world, they want to live in that digital world.

Number Three, Earth’s Conspicuous Condition. Have you ever sat and thought that how is everything so perfect for life on our earth? Or it is designed in such a way that life can be lived here easily. The earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the sun, which is a perfect distance so that we get a proper temperature. Our sun is neither a dwarf star nor a red star. Therefore, it provides us with the right amount of light and heat. Our earth revolves around the sun, so that it can sometimes be away from the sun and sometimes near the sun, due to which the temperature of the earth is maintained. All this is programmed. According to one theory, we were not programmed by any human, in fact it is possible that there is no planet like earth. And another civilization wants to program humans to see how a species like humans can survive anywhere.

Number Four, Limitations Of Reality. We all know that the speed of light is three lakh kilometers per second and nothing can go faster than the speed of light and scientists also do not have any concrete answer as to why nothing can go faster than the speed of light. Now some people will say that the photon of light has no mass and hence no energy is required and this is the reason that nothing can go faster than the speed of light because all other things have mass. But many scientists have refused to accept this as the real reason and there are many such laws i.e. rules which are bound with a limit in our world. If all this is within the simulation then it is possible that this limitation is due to the device in which this simulation is running. That is, it cannot render things moving faster than the speed of light and that is why it created this limitation.

Number Five, The Fermi Paradox. A physicist in China, Enrico Fermi, put forward the argument that there are crores of stars in our universe and trillions of planets revolving around them. So why have we not been approached or contacted by people from other worlds till now? Out of these trillions of planets, isn't there a species on any planet that is more advanced than us and has discovered the technology to travel to other worlds? And if so, why have they not contacted us yet? According to the simulation theory, the system in which our earth is a simulator is only for humans and if we go deeper than this, then all the other civilizations that will be present on their planets, have their own different devices and they have been programmed in such a way that they feel that they are alone in the universe.

Number Six, The Game Of Life. In 1945, a British mathematician John Conway created a game named The Game of Life, which basically had four rules. Rule one, Any live cell with fewer than 2 live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation. Rule two, Any live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbors lives on to the next generation. Rule three, Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation. Rule four, Any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction. This game was played in many tool boxes. The purpose of this game was to stay alive and there were different rules to stay alive in it, which I searched and showed you. In this game, players used different patterns to save themselves and by using these rules and after getting a lot of practice and experience, they used to create a game within the game so that they could never die. By studying this game, Convey told that just like we can do anything in this game with the help of algorithm, similarly a machine can also do anything with the help of algorithm and pattern and using this principle, first generation video games were also made. So we got to know the technique of making simulation. So it is possible that people of the future are simulating this world and it is also possible that the real earth may never be like this, as we know it.

Number Seven, Simulation Glitches. Today, even in the most advanced and tested system of the world, some bug or defect remains somewhere. All the things in the world which we have not understood till date, may be the glitch of this simulation. That is, the system in which this simulation is running, has some bug and as soon as that bug is fixed, we will get the answer to that unknown thing. Incidents like ghosts and spirits which have not been understood with scientific evidence till date, may be all the bugs of the system. Deja Vu is also one of them, in which the system accidentally brings back some incidents of your life in front of you. And it is also possible that those whom we call aliens are all system viruses.

Number Eight, Moore’s Law and Advanced Technology. Today's world is surrounded by technology. We can also say that living without technology in today's world is almost impossible. If you reading this article on people’s reflection, it means that you are very interested in technology. That is why you have to click on this article. In 1965, Intel's co-founder Gordon Moore gives Moore’s Law, in which he told that every year the world's technology is doubling from today. That means the technology you have today to do any work will become twice as advanced next year and will keep increasing in the future as well. And we are already seeing how technologies like virtual reality and machine learning are growing so fast. You must have heard that life has ended from the earth almost four times, so it is possible that the life which we are calling ended, has actually been redesigned by software update and we are a part of that virtual reality.

Number Nine, The Universe is Mathematical. We humans have always been interested in knowing things and we try to understand mathematically the phenomena which we cannot see physically. Today we have mathematical equations of almost all those things which are accessible somewhere in this universe. And if we break these mathematical equations and convert them into binary digits, then we can relate to a similar universe. In 2012, a theoretical physicist Sylvester James Cate wrote a similar binary code which is used for search operation in today's browsers and after analysis it was found that when you search anything on Google, the algorithm and pattern with which it finds and brings information, your brain also operates in almost the same way. So it means that we have written a program code for our brain. So can't our whole body be a program?

Number Ten, It May Be Unavoidable. Big scientists have claimed that with the use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, we will go ahead and create a virtual world where we will be able to test our weapons, find out how to work in an emergency situation, etc. And after such technology arrives, you, I and anyone among us would like to see themselves in their own simulation, keeping themselves away from their real world. Wouldn't you also like to see yourself as a famous scientist, doctor or businessman? So why can't it be that humans have learned to create simulations with AI and virtual reality and where we are today is actually a simulation. This means that we are preparing to create a simulation within a simulation.

So these were 10 reasons that somewhere tell us that we are all part of a computer simulation and this is not the real world. What do you think, do tell us by commenting below and do share this article with all your friends so that they can also give their opinion on this topic. If you liked this article, then do not forget to like it and folIow me because I keep bringing such unheard things for you.

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