Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Have you ever wondered about how a storm is in it's center? Yes, A storm which rages on, destroys whatever comes in its way, and increases as time goes with respect to size, velocity, speed, and power. Yet at the center of this powerful storm is mind-blowing calmness. It is comparatively still from whatever is happening outside. Our minds are such raging storms from one's childhood the winds start to accumulate and in youth, it is fiery and strong, in adulthood it reaches the land but the source of the storm is cut down and as one ages this storm or cyclone dies with him/her. Our minds tend to get lost in this storm as we look at its ferocity and become the victim of it's massive size and influence that it shows us. Here by size and influence, I am talking about the various illusions, addictions, needs, wants, happiness, power, love, imagination that the mind shows us and we get entrapped in it. The one who bares his teeth and walks past this storm of illusions gets to see the true mind of his/her own. Which is located at the center.

By doing this, suddenly we become a spectator from the doer and the things happening around doesn't affect us. Whenever things around us are going wrong, we inside are calm and our minds in a state of peace. Nothing more nothing less is needed. Things, Personality, Behaviour, EVERYTHING is gone we sit silently watching our own reflection in a pond with no ripples. In this state, a person can never get depressed, never discriminate others, and never understand or scrutinize others as good or bad. Because for him/her they are nothing but humans who are mortal and have a limited period of time to do things.

Once a person understands the concept that time is an illusion for them, and there isn't any future or past but just the present, he/she starts focusing on their priorities of life. Peace is attained. For this peace, many throughout centuries have worked hard through intense meditations, sadhanas, yoga, etc. But during those times that was only required as the materialistic nature of the world wasn't as developed as it is now. In today's times for a person to come to peace he/she will require some medicinal dose for leaving their stress behind. A person can attain such peace for a few moments if he/she is facing death or has come back from death. As they realize that they are only now and here.

Peace doesn't mean being quiet, calm, or meditative. True peace differs from person to person, the ways to cross one's psychological storm differ from person to person. Some may find that peace in extreme action, or adventure, some in meditation or listening to music, some may find it in drawing or painting or dancing or even singing, and some while playing games. While some when using intoxicating substances.

All these ways are nothing but a type of meditation as for brief moments while you do something that you like from your heart you forget the surroundings and become aware of your mind and its constant functioning in rhythm with your actions. Adventure and tourism are other means used by many for achieving peace as in it you leave your home, workplace, and familiar surrounding. Here many attach their memories and leave them behind for a fresh start but the truth is memories cannot be attached to an object they can only be attached to you, As long as you are willing to let them go, they will leave.

Such peace is the actual calmness that spreads within your body and mind which turns you into an audience of a movie that is your life.

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