Photo by Kindel Media: Pexels

The vehicles were invented on 29th January 1886, and the first automobile was invented in 1879. Though this invention was a boon, but the use of automobiles is now a bane for the environment and the earth. The first reason is simply pollution and is not a thing to be ignored, and the second reason is that all the reserves and ocean beds, in countries blessed with abundant oil and fuel reserves are dematerialized. Since the oil reserves are being used rapidly and are non-renewable resources, a day will come when no fuel will be there. We all are aware of the devastation caused by too much use of fossil fuels, crude oil, petroleum, petrol, and diesel. Wood was an ancient fuel, but after that, human beings shifted to coal, fossil fuels, and crude oil. Now the excessive use of automobiles, fuels in factories, power plants, etc., has led to a further shift from fuels to other sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, nuclear power plants, and thermal power plants, but still these don’t provide sufficient amount of energy and moreover, they are very expensive to install.

Talking about vehicles, specifically automobiles and other motorized vehicles, there is an intense need to make vehicles pollution-free and environment friendly, this article is going to illustrate this research only. 

So let’s start. Basically, in a motorized vehicle, the important parts of the apparatus are petrol or diesel in the tank, an engine, a dynamo, and a battery, when fuel is burnt due to ignition, the energy released enables the engine to produce thrust, which runs the wheels, while the dynamo is there to charge the battery. In this process, a lot of fuel is burnt, and pollution is caused. This can be replaced by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuels, where hydrogen burns in oxygen, and water is formed, this water can be further used to turn down the turbine to charge a high-power battery, which can be used to run the vehicle, hence the new research can bring self-powered battery operated vehicles.

This apparatus can be made in factories and installed in all motorized vehicles. However, this research still needs further deep analysis, experiments, surety, and development, but it provides a rough idea and can be a future milestone.

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