I closed my eyes to crinkle a wish,
For a treasure I just found,
I walked on and tinkled a WISH
To never betray the profound
My heart beats a wish.
To make that wish fulfilled
I wished again for
Some worldly pleasures I saw
I stumbled upon my wish.
And buried it in a hole I bore
I wished to win my wish
But my wish I dreamed was gone, left me tore
I couldn’t think of anything.
My heart is already torn
I don't know how to end up
The wish I always wished for
I know my favorite wish would be
A wish forever for sure
Still, I wish to be a wish for my wish
But it already closed the door
Then the moment I opened my eyes
Just pierced through reality I couldn’t cure
My wish would just like be a wish
A longing, a yearning forever
No matter what I do to make it secure
Everything I wished
is not wishing any more
All around is recoiled
and looked just an enchanted shore
But I still revive my wish.
By closing my eyes
Still wishing for,
My wish to be our wish,
At least in my fantasies for sure.