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Since the beginning of time, humanity has been fascinated and in awe of the topic of life after death. The issue remains unresolved despite neither massive scientific advancements nor codified belief systems. What then occurs after someone dies? As the Mystic discloses...


The body is viewed as having five dimensions, or five sheaths, in yoga. The term Annamaya Kosha refers to the physical body. This is the food body since Anna means the food. The mental body, or Manomaya Kosha, is the next one. The third one is referred to as the energy body, or Pranamaya Kosha. There are three bodily aspects to life: the mental, physical, and energy bodies. For instance, it is evident that the light bulb is a physical object. The electrons that go through the wire to produce electricity are also tangible. The light coming from the bulb is also. Each of the three is tangible. In the same way, although all bodies exist in the physical realm, the mental body is more subtle, the pranic body even more so. The body, the intellect, and the energy all bear the stamp of one's karma. The binding agent that keeps you attached to your physical body is your karmic imprint or karmic structure. While karma is a form of slavery, it is also the only reason you are able to cling to this body and remain here.

The names of the following two dimensions are Anandamaya Kosha and Vignanamaya Kosha. Although non-physical, Vignanamaya Kosha is connected to the physical world. Vishesh Gnana, also called vignana, refers to unusual knowledge or awareness of things outside the range of the senses. The etheric body is this. It is a body in transit, a change from the material to the immaterial. It isn't non-physical or physical at all. Similar to a connection, it connects the two. The happiness body, or Anandamaya Kosha, is wholly non-physical. It lacks a unique form.

Is there life after death?

We say, "This person is no more," when someone passes away. That is untrue. Although the person is not who they once were, they are still very much in the world. Depending on the intensity of the karma, the mental and pranic bodies continue while the physical body disintegrates. The intensity of this karmic structure needs to decrease and turn passive in order to find another womb. If the karmic structure has run its course and become weak, it seeks another body fairly quickly. Once a person has fulfilled their karma for this life, they will pass away just as they were meant to, free from illness, mishap, or injury. In a few of hours, the person might find another body.

When a person passes away quietly, life doesn't stop; it continues right away. On the other hand, it must complete the karmic structure if it is really intense and incomplete. He now needs a lot more time to locate a new body. You are calling these things "ghosts." Their karmic frameworks are more intense, thus they are more open to your experience. Whether you realise it or not, there are countless such beings all around you. However, because most of their karma has been cleared, you won't feel them. All they have to do is wait for more dissipation before discovering another corpse.

Where do we go when we die?

This body is a fragment of Earth that we have gradually accumulated. We must return all we have absorbed, atom by atom, to our bodies. When it comes to the mind, the process of dying also eliminates the discretionary intellect. The discretion has vanished, but the entirety of the knowledge that has been gathered—the subtler mind and body as well as the information known as karma, the software—is still there. Let's imagine you learned today that your money was greatly lost due to the decline in equities. However, you possess sufficient wisdom to consider, "Well, I've lost that, but I still have this." "Let me enjoy myself today," and you'll be able to engage in anything enjoyable.

You enter a state of compulsive depression if you lose this discernment. You will now follow your inclinations, regardless of the qualities you have acquired. Thus, when you lose your body, you also lose your ability to make conscious decisions. As a result, you are left to follow your instincts and go in the direction that they lead you, depending on the software you are using. Put one drop of pleasantness into the mind of someone who has departed the body, and that pleasantness will multiply a millionfold, for there is no more discretion or discernment. The unpleasantness will multiply a millionfold if you add even one drop. This is similar to what happens with kids; they play outside until they are too tired to play any longer because they lack the maturity to know when to quit.

Even more than in a child, discernment fully vanishes after death. Any characteristic you then instill in the mind will increase millions of times over. This is the concept of heaven and hell that is being discussed. Heaven is the name given to a blissful condition of existence. Hell is the name given to a condition of existence that is horrible. These are the experiential realities that a life that has disembodied is going through, not specific places. Numerous faiths hold that there is an afterlife where the soul lives on in some kind. Some people think that after death, the soul reincarnates into a different body to carry on its journey. Some believe in paradise or hell, where a person's soul is assessed according to their deeds during their lifetime.

Science views death as the termination of biological processes and the start of decay. The body decays and returns to the earth, leaving behind nutrients that support the growth of new life. What occurs after death may never have a clear solution, but one thing is for sure: it is still one of life's biggest mysteries, captivating our interest and imagination.

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